Not just for kids with Autism! These books offer some of the best practical strategies to help everyone cope with stress and anxiety.
PublishersShowing 1–20 of 55 results
A Smart Girl’s Guide: Worry: How to Feel Less Stressed and Have More Fun
In these pages, a girl can learn tried-and-true ways to overcome fears and create a sense of calm. She can take quizzes to discover more about herself and her concerns, and read advice from real girls who found ways to deal with their own worries.
$18.99In stock
Anxiety Management for Kids on the Autism Spectrum: Your Guide to Preventing Meltdowns and Unlocking Potential
The anxiety levels commonly found in children with autism affect social skills, memory, learning, and attention span—and often lead to meltdowns. Those who live or work with kids on the spectrum are acutely aware of how disruptive anxiety can be. However, we are rarely provided with clear guidance on how to manage this anxiety. This book bridges that gap.
$23.95 -
Attacking Anxiety – A Step-by-Step Guide to an Engaging Approach to Treating Anxiety and Phobias in Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
This book presents an enjoyable, simple model for tackling anxiety in children and teens with ASD, by building up tolerance to anxiety triggers, decreasing meltdowns and eliminating anxiety responses to fears and phobia. It covers common scenarios which can be adapted to suit the needs of each individual child or teen
$33.95 -
Autism and the Stress Effect
Practical interventions to reduce stress and anxiety and improve the wellbeing and development of children on the autism spectrum. Focusing on how to regulate the environment, nutrition, emotional self, and energy, the step-by-step approach includes exercises, recipes and a wealth of expert advice.
$32.95 -
Beating Anxiety – What Young People on the Autism Spectrum Need to Know
With beautiful illustrations, this practical guide clearly explains why young people on the spectrum feel anxious, before giving real-world advice on how to deal with and beat anxiety. It offers numerous strategies for overcoming anxiety and comes in a style designed specifically for young people with ASD.
$32.95 -
Breath by Breath – A Mindfulness Guide to Feeling Calm
Lenny and Rosa are having tough days, and it’s hard to stay calm. Fortunately, their friend Sam is there to help! By teaching them how to use breathing exercises and other mindfulness techniques, Sam helps Lenny and Rosa relax, cope with worries and challenges, and turn their days around.
$25.95 -
Can I tell you about Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals
In this illustrated guide Issy invites readers to learn about PDA, a part of the autism spectrum, from her perspective, helping them to understand how it causes her to find simple, everyday demands very stressful. Issy tells readers (aged 7 upwards) about all the ways she can be helped and supported by those around her.
$25.95 -
Clementine’s Great Big Uh Ohs: Preparing for the Unexpected
In the dynamic world in which we live, anxiety is becoming increasingly more prevalent in our kiddos. The management of anxiety can be challenging for kids and parents alike. The stories of Clementine create a playful environment for kids and parents to explore and face some of the challenges of anxiety with psychological distance.
$17.95 -
Coping with Stress Through Picture Rehearsal: A How to Manual for Working with Individuals with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Picture rehearsal is an instructional strategy that uses repeated practice of a sequence of behaviors by presenting the sequence to the individual in the form of pictures and accompanying script.
$56In stock
Creative Coping Skills for Teens and Tweens – Activities for Self Care and Emotional Support including Art, Yoga, and Mindfulness
Presenting creative activities to young people who need to develop coping and self-care skills, this practical and fun book is ideal for practitioners working with young people who are feeling voiceless, ineffective or fearful at life events
$49.95 -
Fear Not! How to Face Your Fear and Anxiety Head On
By teaching children how to confront their fears and mindfully ride the wave of anxiety, this book equips them with the tools they need to deal with the inevitable stressors of life and feel confident no matter the challenge.
$23.95 -
Freeing Your Child from Anxiety: Practical Strategies to Overcome Fears, Worries, and Phobias and Be Prepared for Life–from Toddlers to Teens, Updated Ed.
Childhood should be a happy, carefree time. Yet too many children are stressed-out and exhibiting symptoms of anxiety. In Freeing Your Child from Anxiety, childhood anxiety expert Dr. Tamar Chansky shares a proven approach for helping children build emotional resilience for a happier and healthier life.
$23.99 -
From Anxiety to Meltdown: How Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Deal with Anxiety, Experience Meltdowns, Manifest Tantrums, and How You Can Intervene Effectively
Anxiety is the root cause of many of the difficulties experienced by people on the autism spectrum, and is often caused by things such as a change in routine, or sensory overload. Deborah Lipsky takes a practical look at what happens when things spiral out of control, exploring what leads to meltdowns and and tantrums, and what can be done to help.
$33.95 -
Help! I’ve Got an Alarm Bell Going Off in My Head! How Panic, Anxiety and Stress Affect Your Body
An illustrated book for children aged 9-11 that explores the science behind our bodies’ fight, flight or freeze reactions. With activities to help manage anxiety and keep the nervous system healthy, the book is an incomparable resource for anyone supporting children who are easily angered or anxious including parents, carers and teachers.