Studio 3 – Low Arousal Approach – Canada
Low arousal approaches were developed in the late 80s by Dr Andrew McDonnell BSc MSc PhD. The approaches are unashamedly non-aversive in nature. A central theme throughout this philosophy is the encouragement of carers to constantly question their own behaviour when working in care settings. Low arousal approaches are research-based and have been clinically tested by Studio III Training Systems, European leaders in the field of behaviour management.
- Low Arousal Approach
- Three Day Course
- One Day Course
- Training Cost
- Testimonials
- Train the Trainer
- Low Arousal Trainers
The Studio 3 Low Arousal Approach
Autism Awareness Centre Inc. is pleased to announce a new training in Canada – the Low Arousal Approach from Studio 3 UK. Created in 1990 by clinical director Dr. Andrew McDonnell, this training is for understanding and managing behaviour of concern.
Low arousal approaches were developed in the late 80s by Dr Andrew McDonnell BSc MSc PhD. The approaches are unashamedly non-aversive in nature. A central theme throughout this philosophy is the encouragement of carers to constantly question their own behaviour when working in care settings. Low arousal approaches are research-based and have been clinically tested by Studio 3 Training Systems, European leaders in the field of behaviour management. Low arousal is the key to the philosophies and practices which underpin the Studio 3 training. These are now the chosen approaches of many services throughout the UK and Ireland.
Since the development of Studio 3 Training Systems in 1989, over 50,000 staff working in the statutory, private and voluntary sectors have been trained in the Studio 3 model of managing behaviour of concern. The Company’s courses have been developed and clinically tested to give staff the skills they require to meet the particular needs of the service user within a broad base of client populations. Topics covered in the training: working within the law; policy development, understanding the causes of challenging behaviour; the use of the “Low-arousal” approaches including interaction, defusion and distraction strategies; coping with challenging behaviours including debriefing – why it is necessary and how to do it, managing versus changing behaviours, physical avoidance skills and physical intervention strategies, are just a few.
Studio 3 Canada Training Systems provides a non-aversive approach to behaviour of concern. Studio III offers criterion-based training, working with staff to develop specific skills to meet the particular needs of the service user. It is essential that the background to the service user’s problems is understood by all staff and that this understanding is used to define the direction in which these problems may be addressed. Studio 3 is not a provider of generic physical intervention strategies as the majority of our work is designed to promote the management of behaviour of concern in a totally non-violent, gentle and dignified way by the use of “low-arousal” techniques and gentle physical skills.
The Low Arousal Approach emphasizes a range of behaviour management strategies that focus on the reduction of stress, fear and frustration. These strategies are put in place in order to prevent aggression and avoid creating crisis situations. The low arousal approach seeks to understand the role of the ‘situation’ on behaviour by identifying triggers and using low intensity solutions to avoid punitive consequences for individuals with additional needs.
The low arousal approach has been proven to enable practitioners to defuse crisis situations within a variety of settings through early identification and intervention.
The Studio 3 has developed a unique approach to managing behaviours of concern – person-centred crisis management training.
Person centered crisis management training has five key elements:
Reflective Practice
Our training emphasizes Reflective Practices. Staff/carers are often inadvertently causing behaviour of concern. If people realize they are part of the problem they can then accept that THEY are part of the solution.
Demand Reduction in Crisis
Our Low Arousal Philosophy often recommends the short term reduction of demands (sometimes including elements of behavioural programmes) on services users by staff. This allows for a ‘ cooling off’ period. We train staff that this approach is both realistic and humane although it often challenges their own behaviour and attitudes.
Restrictive Practices
Studio 3 trainers aim to use the least restrictive physical interventions. Part of this philosophy involves actively Restricting a number of physical interventions. (especially ‘face down’ and ‘face up’ restraint holds). This does not make us the easiest system to employ as the approach challenges services providers to avoid ‘quick fix’ physical techniques. Please read the Studio 3 approach to restraint and its reduction.
Service User Consultation
Applied research has been conducted into the physical restraint system developed by Studio 3 staff to ascertain the viewpoint of service users (Cunningham, McDonnell, Sturmey & Easton, 2002). We actively canvass the views of service users about physical interventions.
An Organizational Approach
Studio 3 provides Training Systems, not training courses. Services that adopt our training philosophy often have to alter policies and encourage a culture of openness and honesty about behaviour management practices. Most importantly, the behaviour management philosophy needs to be reinforced both by frontline and senior decision makers.
Low Arousal Articles
The Recovering Behaviourist » |
Empathic Stress Support » |
Course Participants Introduction to the Three Day Course “Managing Behaviour of Concern”
The “Managing Behaviour of Concern” course is designed to address the sorts of problems you meet every day in your work and give you better solutions and strategies to cope with them. It is not an academic course, it is practical, ‘hands on’, and we can guarantee that it will be good fun!
The ideals of Studio 3 are to promote the management of behaviour of concern in a totally non-violent, gentle and dignified way, by providing a better understanding and insight into challenging behaviour and by the use of low arousal approaches and gentle physical skills.
Studio 3 trainers have been running courses in the management of challenging behaviour for many years and our courses are based on applied research, carried out in places similar to those in which you work, so the courses are down to earth, practical and user friendly. We aim to give you the tools you need to cope with challenging behaviour so that the environment for the clients improves and you enjoy your jobs more, hopefully with less stress.
Training has encouraged support providers to focus on the person rather than the behaviour and try to understand the underlying causes of the behaviour, rather than viewing it as a problem that needs to be solved. Course participants are also introduced to a range of proactive and reactive strategies as well as being given opportunities to reflect on their own behaviour and how this may impact the behaviour of others. Time is also devoted to the development of effective coping strategies that can help support providers manage their own stress and anxieties around the individuals and behaviours they work with.
Day 1
The first day of the course explores legal issues. Understanding the nature of violence expressed by people with learning difficulties; your own reactions and tolerances to behaviour of concern; understanding causes of behaviour of concern; an introduction to the low arousal approaches (including interaction, defusion and distraction strategies); an introduction to debriefing (why it is necessary and how to do it) and finally a brief introduction to physical skills.
Day 2
The second day of the course combines gentle physical skills with the knowledge gained on the previous day. Your service and Studio 3 feel very strongly that physical skills are very much the last resort and no matter how gentle they are, we would prefer not to use them at all. However, being practical, there are times when they may be necessary.
Our research has shown us which physical behaviours are most common and the course goes into how to manage these. The physical skills are gentle, simple and easy to learn and they work very well because they are designed to be part of the overall ‘low arousal’ approach to help defuse an incident.
Day 3
The third day of the course allows plenty of time for practicing the ‘low arousal’ approaches and physical skills together.
The last element of the course is learning the “Studio 3 Walk-Around”. This involves learning to walk a client, who is in crisis, around in a supported and safe way, interrupting the sequence of the behaviour, allowing them time to calm down. This technique of using movement to defuse a situation, in a safe and controlled manner, has the added benefit of not employing any form of immobilization, which in itself can be highly arousing and in some cases at cross purposes to the needs of the supported person.
We must emphasize that the philosophy of the course is not to use the Studio 3 Walk-Around (or indeed any other practice that might be deemed a restrictive practice) where less restrictive options are available. Furthermore, its use would only be considered a viable option when everything else has been tried and failed and there is a very clear and immediate danger to self or others. We believe, and have demonstrated, that if we know what to do to better support the client, we can back off and defuse an incident safely without having to resort to this or indeed other restrictive approaches. Any time that we use a physical intervention, be it the Studio 3 Walk-Around or another physical intervention, it is an admission that we have run out of other things to do. However, realistically until we better understand the function and/or nature of the behaviour, there may be occasions when it might be needed. The Studio 3 Walk-Around allows carers to talk to a client who has been able to calm down and so be let go of, giving the client some choice and control. Most other procedures we have seen are various ‘take down’ procedures giving the client no choice or control, often ending in a tangle of bodies.
Finally, the trainers will role-play a client with each course member, these role-plays will test the various skills learnt on the course and likely necessitate the use of the Studio 3 Walk-Around procedure.
Due to the topic covered on the course there is an emotional element and people may find some of the role-plays a little disturbing. The course tutors are there to support you throughout the three days should you find any parts of the course upsetting in any way.
Introduction to the Low Arousal Approach Online Training
Low Arousal Approach training, developed over 30 years ago in the UK, has been offered in Canada through Autism Awareness Centre Inc./Studio 3 Canada for 8 years. This training is for professionals, support workers and EAs, carers and family members.
The Low Arousal Approach emphasizes a range of behaviour management strategies that focus on the reduction of stress, fear and frustration. These strategies are put in place in order to prevent aggression and avoid creating crisis situations. The low arousal approach seeks to understand the role of the ‘situation’ on behaviour by identifying triggers and using low intensity solutions to avoid punitive consequences for individuals with additional needs.
The Low Arousal Approach has been proven to enable practitioners to defuse crisis situations within a variety of settings through early identification and intervention.
This introductory course focuses primarily on practical, non-confrontational approaches to supporting individuals who experience significant stress and present behaviours that may be difficult to manage. Training has encouraged support providers to focus on the person rather than the behaviour and trying to understand the underlying causes of the behaviour, rather than viewing it as a problem that needs to be solved.
Course participants are also introduced to a range of proactive and reactive strategies as well as being given opportunities to reflect on their own behaviour and how this may impact the behaviour of others. Time is also devoted to the development of effective coping strategies that can help support providers manage their own stress and anxieties around the individuals and behaviours they work with.
This introductory online course is 6 hours in length, offered in 2 – 3 hour sessions online. Sessions are designed for 12 – 15 participants. If your group is smaller, just let us know and we can have you join with another group. The cost is $125 per person.
This online training is available in either English or French.
Training Cost
3 Day Workshop
Fees to be determined based on what the needs and requirements are. Fees will be paid to Autism Awareness Centre Inc.
Maximum attendees in a workshop – 15
Organization requesting the training can provide the space or Autism Awareness Centre can assist with this. Venue cost is the responsibility of the organization requesting the training.
Autism Awareness Centre Inc. will make arrangement for the trainer which includes their fee. Travel expenses, meals and accommodation are the responsibility of the host organization.
Training completion certificates will be provided upon completion of the 3 day training.
Parent Training can also be provided. Fee structure will vary based on number of attendees, length of training, and topic.
Ever since I participated in a Studio 3 course in Managing Behaviour of Concern, I have been totally convinced about the importance of low arousal and person-centred approaches, and to focus on providing positive skills and attitudes among the staff and carers who support the individual. Since qualifying as a trainer, I have brought this philosophy to literally thousands of residential staff, teachers, volunteers, special needs assistants and families, and I never get tired of delivering this simple but very powerful message. The physical skills aspect of the Studio III course is, in fact, secondary to the low arousal theory and the main focus is really on trying to get each person to reflect more on their own thoughts, beliefs and behaviours and to develop greater empathy and understanding of the person they support.
However, it is acknowledged that there are times when staff/carers might need to use some physical skills to ensure safety for all and to encourage greater confidence and less stress if someone presents with physically challenging behaviours. In my experience the Studio III physical skills are the least aversive I have come across, and I have first-hand experience of other approaches, including Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI).
Paul Phillips, Staff Development Officer with the Brothers of Charity Galway, specializing in the area of Challenging Behaviour for the past 12 years
Dr. Andrew McDonnell was an outstanding presenter. I enjoyed his sense of humour. His presentation was practical and will help me to apply a more person-centered approach with clients, students and families.
Educational Assistant, Halifax, Nova Scotia
This conference (with Andrew McDonnell) has given us hope. I’ve been dealing with staff who are persistent in calling/labeling everything as behavioural. This conference affirms to me my thoughts that it’s not behavioural all the time. There are many other reasons. Thank you!
Residential Worker, Small Options Homes, Truro, Nova Scotia
Loved Andrew’s wonderful sense of humour and human approach.
Teacher, Edmonton, Alberta
Train the Trainer
Studio 3 Training Systems is a highly specialized research based training organization, which provides high quality and specialized behaviour management training. Over 70% of our work is in the field of learning disabilities and autism, however, in recent years ‘low arousal’ behaviour management training has been developed specifically for staff working with people with an acquired brain injury, older adults, people with mental health problems and children/young people with emotional behavioural difficulties.
Behaviour of concern is an area of worry for carers, educators, therapists, and support staff and often represent a significant challenge to services leading to a breakdown of placement and injuries to care staff and the service users. However, research shows us that many incidents of behaviour of concern can be relatively easily managed by well trained and experienced staff.
Research also shows us that confident, well trained staff know when to intervene or withdraw, that they can often quickly defuse situations before they become critical and that positive management of situations using person centred, non-punishment and non-aversive based approaches often leads to a reduction in incidents involving physical and verbal aggression over a longer period of time.
The Training the Trainer Plan
High Quality Trainers
Many of our competitors use cascade training approaches to train people to be trainers in less than five working days, some in only three. Once trained, many of these trainers are ill equipped to help their colleagues in challenging situations and often have extreme difficulty developing problem solving approaches.
At Studio 3, we decided that our philosophy is to train high quality trainers who are capable of delivering both behaviour management training and providing the ‘state of the art’ knowledge about the development of specialized behaviour management plans.
Ten years ago, we piloted a trainer scheme and over half of those who entered did not successfully complete the programme. It is our belief that Studio 3 trainers have to behaviourally demonstrate both the ability to deliver training and relate theoretical knowledge to everyday work settings.
There are two aspects to Studio 3’s ‘Training the Trainer’ plan. The first is the completion of the 3 four day intensive training weeks as described in Detail and Delivery Section.
During this time, trainees will be expected to achieve competency in delivering all aspects of the course to the point where they can be formally assessed in the last week of the course.
The second component of the plan requires trainees to attend Trainers Events to maintain their continuing professional development. These are normally one-day workshops which cover teaching the various elements of the course as well as other topics which contribute to a broader knowledge base on behaviour management. It is important to achieve this level of knowledge so that the trainer can become a valuable in-house resource, not only to deliver training but supporting staff in other aspects of behaviour management.
What Kind of People Make Good Trainers?
Based on our experience, professional qualifications are not in themselves prerequisites for successful outcomes. Successful candidates have included: clinical psychologists, qualified and unqualified nursing staff, service managers, staff from residential children’s homes and care assistants. The following section represents a person specification that will aim to provide services with an outline of what can make a successful trainer.
Essential Skills
• Commitment to a non-aversive approach to behaviour management
• The ability to role-play people who present with challenges
• A minimum of five years of practical experience of working with people who present with challenges
• Computer literacy
• The ability to respond to constructive criticism
• The ability to present to a room full of people
• A commitment to completing the training
• Empathy and a sense of humour
• Good health record
• Honesty
It’s Not Just Training
Studio 3 is not the only organization that provides training in the management of challenging behaviour, but we are the leaders in our field. The three-day course creates strong emotional reactions amongst course participants and trainers have to be able to manage this. The trainer’s role is to assist and facilitate change in attitude as much as behaviour management skills. Training is not just teaching; it’s about learning too.
An often heard expression is: “it’s one thing talking about it.” Well, it’s not just about reading a manual and becoming a trainer. Trainers have to literally perform, in front of people, and demonstrate that they are highly proficient in and passionate about their subject area. It is also important to Studio 3 that trainers develop their individual training style. There are many ways to deliver the course as past course participants who have met different tutors will have already seen. This is because it’s not just about what a trainer says, it’s also about the way the trainer presents the course.
Many trainers have told us that it is not an easy course to teach. There are theoretical, practical, emotional and physical elements to the training. However, once mastered, teaching the course is a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Accordingly, we accept people onto the scheme who genuinely believe in our philosophy of care and feel passionately about working within a non-aversive framework and promoting the low-arousal approaches. Once trainees embark on the programme, our tutors will work with them and support them to meet all the criteria to become competent Studio 3 trainers.
What Types of Training are Trainers Expected to Deliver?
Successful trainers will generally run a range of behaviour management training within their own organization. It is expected that trainers can best develop these skills by learning to deliver our core three day training course in the management of behaviour of concern (see McDonnell, 2010 and McDonnell et al, 2008 for further information).
Core Three Day Course Aims
The defined objectives of the course are:
• To increase staff confidence in the management of behaviour of concern
• To instill in staff the principles and benefits of working within a non- aversive framework
• To demonstrate to staff the importance of understanding how their own behaviours can affect others
• To provide staff with the skills to defuse challenging situations with the aim of negating the need for physical intervention
• To provide staff with an understanding of some of the causes of challenging behaviour to help view service users in a more positive way
• To make staff aware of the importance of working within the law and the need for and use of policies
• To emphasize the importance of de-briefing after incidents
• To help staff understand the difference between managing and changing behaviour and when to address or avoid difficult behaviours
• To provide staff with a range of physical intervention skills which are safe and acceptable to both staff and service users alike
Course Content
The three days of the training course have three separate themes:
Day 1:
Philosophy of Studio 3 Training Systems and the management of challenging behaviours. This is an important day. It sets the tone for the course and outlines the agenda and objectives of the three days. During the day, challenging behaviour and the context within which these behaviours are displayed and managed will be explored.
Day 2:
Passive Avoidance Training, non-violent methods of managing physical behaviours. This is also described as philosophy in practice or the Low Arousal Approach in action. Simple physical movements designed to reduce injuries to staff and individuals within their care that are used to manage some of the most common physical behaviours within the client group specified.
Day 3:
A non-violent physical restraint method is taught to care staff and its reason for use and its design is discussed at length. During this final day, the three-day course is consolidated and participants are assessed through the use of role plays. On each of the days various training aids and teaching tools and methods are used.
Details and Delivery of the Trainers Plan
Assessment Process
The training process occurs in 3 clear teaching phases totaling 15 working days.
Phase 1: Introduction to the program – 5 days
This is a full 5 day induction workshop which covers all elements of teaching content and delivery. Candidates are provided with a framework to deliver the programme. At the end of this course, trainees are allocated specific components that they must deliver on phase 2 of the program.
Topics in this phase include:
• Methods of teaching
• Use of audio visual materials
• Teaching physical interventions
• Health and safety issues
• Low arousal approaches.
• Use of role play
• Risk assessment
Phase 2: Training Rehearsal – 5 days
In this phase participants practice delivering elements to their peers. The first two days of the training course are practiced in this manner. There is a strong emphasis in this phase about training staff to debate issues pertaining to low arousal approaches and de-escalation. In addition, the lower key physical interventions have to be delivered to the group. Each candidate is then allocated teaching goals in phase 3.
Phase 3: Training Teaching Assessments – 5 days
At this stage candidates will be assessed in terms of their competency. Candidates are expected to present the key elements of the course and are assessed on their competency to deliver the full programme. Participants will receive feedback from Studio 3 trainers after completing each session. Trainees will be advised in writing at the end of phase 3 and they will receive one of four grades at this point.
1. Pass: they have satisfied the trainer that they can successfully deliver the programme.
2. Pass with areas of support: in this situation pairs of candidate will be deemed Passed, but with specific areas of minor improvement which they will have to provide evidence that these are remediate.
3. Remedial work required: A candidate may have to repeat phase 3.
4. Fail
Monitoring of Trainers
Each trainer who has successfully completed the assessment process must maintain a personal CPD log in the password protected trainer’s ‘back office’ section of the Studio 3 website. The trainer’s senior manager or training supervisor and senior Studio 3 Trainers use this system to monitor and aid the trainer’s progress on the system.
$6000 /per person plus GST
List of Low Arousal Trainers in Canada
This is the Studio 3 list of active trainers throughout Canada. Those listed as senior trainers have additional practice and experience in the delivery of Low Arousal Training. The date of when training was completed for trainers is listed beside the trainer’s name.
Trainers listed as certified in Low Arousal Theoretical Training may only deliver the theoretical section of the 3 day training course. No physical skills may be taught.
If someone states that they are a certified Low Arousal Trainer but are not on this list, it means that they are not currently mandated to train in Low Arousal Approaches.
Studio 3 Canada organizes all training opportunities in North America. Please direct all training and professional development enquiries to the Director of Studio 3 Canada, Maureen Bennie. Trainers are unable to book any trainings outside of the organization they work for.
E-mail – maureen@autismawarenesscentre.com
Tel: 1-866-724-2224 or 403-640-2710
Senior Trainers
- Mark Linski (May 2018)
- Cassidy Brown (November 2019)
- Gregory Ferris (May 2018)
- Kim Gjerdrum (June 2022)
- Heather Linski (May 2018)
- Melissa McEwan (November 2019)
- Crystal Mckinnon (June 2022)
- Melanie McMaster (May 2018)
- Jody Neumann-Koop (May 2018)
- Lauren Rollett (May 2018)
Trainers – Low Arousal Theory Only, No Physical Skills
- Candace Ford-Taperek (April 2020)
Trainers – Low Arousal – Days 1 & 2
- Kaylen Christiansen (June 2022)
Co-Trainers – E2 Academy Only
- Shaun Thomas (June 2022)
- Rachel Williams (June 2022)
Organizations Using the Low Arousal Approach through Fully Certified On Site Trainers
- Cassidy Brown Behaviour Consulting Services, Calgary, AB
- Chinook’s Edge School Division – #73, Innisfail, AB
- Foothills Creative Beginnings, Calgary, AB
- Horizon School, Olds, AB
- Medicine Hat Public School District, Medicine Hat, AB
- Red Deer Public School Board, Red Deer, AB
British Columbia
Senior Trainers
- Heather Lavigne (December 2018)
- Sharon Power (December 2018)
- Michael Andrews (November 2019)
- Trent Doiron (November 2019)
- Perveen Engineer (November 2019)
- Julie Grundy (November 2019)
- Shaun Lau (November 2019)
- Michelle Nasimi (May 2018)
- Theresa Pidcock (November 2019)
- Sonia Radmilovic (November 2019)
- Bryce Recsky (November 2019)
- Lynn Savoie (November 2019)
- James Stumph (November 2019)
- Susan Worthington (November 2019)
Organizations Using the Low Arousal Approach through Fully Certified On Site Trainers
- Surrey School District #36, Surrey, BC
- Vancouver School Board #39, Vancouver, BC
- The Children’s Foundation, Vancouver, BC
Senior Trainers
- Jill Wur (May 2017) (Junior Trainer and Assessor)
- Theresa Futros (May 2017)
- Monica Desgagnes (December 2018)
- Jennifer Fisher (December 2018)
- Todd MacDonald (December 2018)
- Candace Sabiston (December 2018)
- Ginette Sabourin (December 2018)
- Sarah-Michelle Senécal (December 2018)
- Mallory Worsnop (December 2018)
Organizations Using the Low Arousal Approach through Fully Certified On Site Trainers
- Division scolaire franco-manitobaine, Lorette, MB
- Hanover School Division, Steinbach, MB
- Lord Selkirk School Division, Selkirk, MB
- Pembina Trails School Division, Winnipeg MB
- St. Amant Health & Transition Services, Winnipeg, MB
- St. James Assiniboia School Division, Winnipeg, MB
Nova Scotia
Senior Trainer
- Adam Gardiner (June 2017)
- Nancy Beaton (June 2017)
- Sheri Burns (June 2019)
- Angela Campbell (June 2017)
- Robert Curry (June 2019)
- Derek Dunham (June 2019)
- Karen Hunter (June 2019)
- Stephen Joseph (June 2019)
- Brenda MacDonald (June 2019)
- Jennifer McLaughlin (June 2019)
- Anna Moser (June 2019)
- Ron Mullin (June 2019)
- Amy O’Quinn (June 2019)
- Stephanie Spence (June 2019)
- Larry Vaters (June 2019)
Organizations Using the Low Arousal Approach through Fully Certified On Site Trainers
- Breton Ability Centre, Sydney, NS
- Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre, Waterville, NS
- Harbourview Lodge, Sheet Harbour, NS
- Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, NS
- Shannex Long Term Care, NS
Studio III Launches in Canada
By Maureen Bennie, Director,
Autism Awareness Centre Inc.
Studio III UK has partnered with Autism Awareness Centre Inc. in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to begin offering Low Arousal Approach training to Canadians. Autism Awareness Centre (AACI) has been organizing conferences and workshops across Canada for 11 years; introducing the Low Arousal Approach was a natural evolution in training for the Centre.
AACI has been receiving requests for new and innovative ways to manage challenging behavior. Since the launch of Studio III Canada this spring, requests for information about training have been coming in weekly. There is a great deal of interest in this approach which is new for Canadians.
Studio III Canada ran their first 3 day course July 30 – August 1st at the Horizon School in Olds, Alberta. Horizon is a special needs school catering to students ages 4 – 20. Their students face a variety of challenges including communication difficulties, physical disabilities, cognitive development delays and independent life skills. Principal Heather Linski was looking for a new way to address the challenging behavior of some of her students.
UK trainer Kit Howe made his first trip to Canada and spent 5 days with the Horizon team; 3 of those days were dedicated to teaching the Low Arousal Approach to staff. The staff worked well together and spoke openly, asked excellent questions, and gave it their all when working on the physical skills section. There were many “ah-ha” moments and a shift in attitude as the days went on. The environment was one of nurturing, caring and respect for students and staff. Kit worked well with the group, creating a relaxed and safe atmosphere in which to practice new skills. We will continue to support Horizon School with their growth and quest for positive change.
Studio III Canada organized an Eastern Canada tour September 16 – 22nd for UK Director Dr. Andrew McDonnell and Swedish trainer Bo Elvén. The pair began their trip in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’s capital city, and spoke to a large group of educators from various schools and post-secondary institutions. Their talk was very well received and the interest was high for training.
Next was a 4 day stop in Sydney, Nova Scotia in the Maritimes. Andrew and Bo delivered a 3 day training for the Breton Ability Centre (BAC) which serves individuals who are coping with complex challenges due to severe developmental disabilities, mental health challenges and/or complicating physical disabilities. They also gave a two hour evening talk for the larger community to introduce people to the Low Arousal Approach concepts. BAC’s director, Harman Singh, is eager to implement this new knowledge and she sees changes in the near future that will enhance the quality of life for her service users.
The last stop of the tour was Toronto, ON for a talk to the York ASD Partnership. The York ASD Partnership was formed to improve the current system of supports for people with an ASD and their families in York Region. While many services exist in York Region, access and coordination is confusing and frustrating for families. A variety of representatives from various organizations came to listen to the Low Arousal Approach overview. Andrew McDonnell captivated the participants and they are already buzzing about adopting the training in Ontario.
Studio III Canada is off to a strong start and the word is spreading. Autism Awareness Centre’s motto is “Believe in Change” and we believe it will happen in a positive way through this collaboration with Studio III UK.
To request more information about the Low Arousal Approach (articles, research papers, past training clients), please contact us using the form below.
Autism Awareness Centre Inc.
56 Sussex Cr. SW
Calgary, Alberta T2W 0L5
Toll Free: 1-866-724-2224 or (403) 640-2710
E-mail: maureen@autismawarenesscentre.com