Yack, Ellen, M.Ed., B.Sc., O.T.
Ellen Yack has practiced as an occupational therapist since 1979 and has a Masters Degree in Education. She currently is the Director of Ellen Yack and Associates Paediatric Therapy Services, a private agency providing occupational therapy and speech and language services to children, adolescents and their families in Toronto and surrounding areas. Her areas of expertise include autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing disorders, developmental coordination disorder and learning disabilities. Ellen provides occupational therapy consultation to the Redpath Centre for Social and Emotional Development and consults to the Autism Team at the Toronto District Catholic School Board and the Autism program at Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre. Ellen conducts a variety of workshops and presentations and has published in her field. She is one of the co-authors of the book Building Bridges through Sensory Integration: Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders and is a contributor to the book Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome.
Becoming Detectives: Analyzing Sensory and Behaviour Challenges in Children and Adults with ASD
This workshop will address the relationship between sensory processing and behaviour. Specific challenging behaviours often related to impaired sensory processing will be discussed. Tools to help analyze and determine the function of challenging behaviours will be reviewed. Practical strategies to help manage behaviour and sensory challenges at home school and in the community will be provided.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will demonstrate knowledge of how sensory differences common in children and adults with ASD contribute to challenging behaviours.
- Participants will gain skills in behaviour analysis.
- Participants will be able to implement strategies to help manage sensory and behaviour challenges.