Burmeister, Carol
Carol Burmeister, M.A., has a life-long passion for supporting individuals with special needs, their families, and the schools and community settings that serve them. Her professional experience includes serving as a paraeducator, general education teacher, special educator, program specialist, university instructor, and consultant across a variety of educational settings. Burmeister has presented extensively on autism and related disorders as well as served as part of the University of California, Riverside committee that developed and implemented a certificate program for teachers of students with autism. She currently serves on the board of the Autism Society of the Inland Empire.
Armed with the knowledge that evidence-based interventions for children and youth with ASD are the basis on which effective educational programs are built, Burmeister served as a reviewer of the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder’s update on evidence-based practices. For the past several years, her work has focused on the crucial topic of executive function (EF), helping parents as well as educational professionals understand the complexity of social, academic, and behavioral challenges that accompany executive function deficits and practical tools that support EF across all environments. Burmeister has presented at regional, national, and international conferences and has authored several articles on this topic. In addition, she is co-author, with Dr. Sheri Wilkins, of the book, FLIPP the Switch: Strengthen Executive Function Skills.