Schneider, Cindy, MA
Cindy Schneider completed her B.S. at West Chester University, the Autism Certification program at Penn State, the Communication Specialist certification at Temple University and earned her Master’s Degree at Immaculata University, all in Pennsylvaia, Cindy was a special educator and consultant for Chester County Intermediate Unit in Pennsylvania for 27 years, specializing in autism spectrum disorders. Also a thespian and children’s theater director with a local community theater, Cindy began to develop acting workshops for students diagnosed with social deficits in 2002. In January 2007 Cindy opened the doors to the ACTING ANTICS ART CENTER, and has been providing music and theater programming for youngsters of all ages and ability levels since then. Cindy’s book, Acting Antics, was published in 2007. Cindy has trained professionals around the country and in Canada in the Acting Antics techniques, and has served on the board of IATA, the International Association of Theatre and Autism and currently serves on the board of ASCEND, the Asperger Syndrome Alliance for Greater Philadelphia. She has run Children’s theatre programs at the Autism Society of America’s National conference
Setting the Stage for Social Success
This is a highly fun and interactive workshop in which all participants will be actively engaged. There will be a brief overview of the social, executive function and sensory needs of the target students who exhibit social needs. Participants will then participate in theatre games and activities specifically designed to address those deficit areas. Following each activity the group will analyze the skill areas addressed, and explore possible adaptations of the activities to meet the needs of different age and ability levels.