Dr. Ernsperger, Lori, BCBA-D
Dr. Lori Ernsperger has more than twenty-three years of experience working in public schools as a teacher, administrator and behavioral consultant. She has had extensive training working with students who have developmental disorders, particularly those students on the autism spectrum. Lori has put her experience and education to work in a variety of teaching and therapy roles. She not only shares her years of special education experience but also brings a compassion and enthusiasm to assist educators and those living and working with people with ASD to be successful.
Practical Strategies for Working with Individuals with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Increasing numbers of individuals are being identified with pervasive developmental disorders including autism and Asperger Syndrome. Dr. Ernsperger (Lori) will engage you in a highly interactive and fast-paced seminar addressing the many questions and concerns you have as a parents, teacher, paraprofessional or therapist who works with these individuals. Using humor, demonstrations, role-play, video clips, and real life experiences, Dr. Ernsperger will share successful techniques and strategies for increasing learning and promoting positive behavior. She will give you ready-to-implement ways to develop predictable schedules, organize the environment, teach stress management techniques, and implement sensory strategies. You will leave this seminar with dozens of ideas and strategies to help you make a real difference in the life of an individual with ASD.
Objectives for this Workshop:
- Expand your Toolkit of strategies for working with individuals with pervasive Developmental Disorders which includes autism and Asperger Syndrome. Discover research-proven techniques to help these individuals be more successful in the home, classroom and community with interventions that have been proven successful in a variety of settings.
- Learn practical ideas to teach social skill development across a variety of settings. Incorporate positive strategies that will help these individuals become more socially aware and accepted by their peers. Numerous practical techniques and supports to develop social skills. Dozens of examples, video clips, and demonstrations to help you implement the strategies.
- Implement Powerful Structured Teaching Strategies Whether you a teaching first grade or high school science, learn how to identify appropriate behavioral methods and adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of your students. Classroom tested techniques to help these students become more successful learners in your classroom.
- Increase Student Learning with Easy to use and practical ideas. Discover a wealth of ideas for organizing the environment and create effective schedules to greatly improve the success of individuals with autism and Asperger Syndrome.
- Increase Positive and Acceptable Behaviors. Learn how to identify the functions of a maladaptive behavior along with strategies to help reduce those behaviors. Use reinforcement techniques to teach replacement and alternative behaviors.
- Enhance Your Students Organization Skills. Incorporate proven ways to help iindividuals organize themselves and their materials in order to develop independent learning skills. Ready to use examples and ideas.
- Identify the importance of Sensory Integration Development in the classroom. Learn specific techniques for identifying sensory processing disorder and practical strategies for implementing sensory integration in the classroom. Ways to design a classroom that supports the student’s sensory needs.
- Build your repertoire of Intervention Strategies. Use a checklist for successful intervention principles that will work for new and veteran teachers. Learn how to apply each intervention at the right time and the right place.
- Use practical research based Methods Utilize techniques and methods that are proven to work with this population and are practical to implement in the classroom setting. Strategies are designed and demonstrated so you can use them the very next day.
Just Take a Bite: Easy, Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges
This long-awaited critically needed book deals with a subject common to children with autism/Asperger’s, offering a step-by-step comprehensive plan to address food aversions and food selectivitities.
$34.95 Product Details »
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