Dr. Miller, Lucy Jane, PH.D, OTR
Dr. Lucy Jane Miller is the founder and executive director of KID Foundation and director of the Sensory Therapies And Research (STAR) Center near Denver. Dr. Miller was mentored by Dr. A. Jean Ayres in sensory integration theory and practice, and as a research scientist was granted an NIH career award to investigate Sensory Processing Disorder. Her research program was implemented at The Children’s Hospital of Denver 1995-2005, during which she was an Associate Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Dr. Miller has authored seven nationally standardized assessments for children. In 2005 she was honored by the State of Colorado with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award. She is the author of Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder.
Sensory Processing Disorder: How Does It Affect Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders?
Course Outline:
- Participants will be able to define SPD and its subtypes
- Participants will be able to understand recent research indicating SPD is a valid syndrome
- Participants will be able to understand recent research on sensory processing in autism
- Participants will learn new sensory and motor evaluations that may be useful for children with ASD
This presentation will include definitions and differentiation of the three classic patterns and six subtypes of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). In addition, a study funded by Cure Autism Now will be presented featuring both physiological and behavioral functioning for children with autistic spectrum disorders. Two new scales, the Miller Function and Participation Scale (M-FUN) and the Sensory Processing Disorder Scale will be briefly described with videotaped examples of each. The current position of the SPD application for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual will be included. Also included is a parent panel highlighting sensory issues and solutions in children with ASD.
Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder
What may be typical activities for most people-eating, dressing, making friends, taking a spelling test, responding to a hug-are a struggle, often resulting in social, emotional, and academic problems.
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