Sutton, Shirley, B.Sc. OT Reg. (Ont.)
Shirley Sutton is an Occupational Therapist with over 30 years experience working with children with special needs, from infants through teens and adults with significant disabilities. Her specialty training areas include sensory integration, autism and other developmental disorders. She co-authored the book “Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration – Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism and other Pervasive Disorders” (now in 3 languages and 2nd edition, with Yack & Aquilla) and contributed to Kevin Stoddart’s book “Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: Integrating Multiple Perspectives”. Her clinic is located in Collingwood, Ontario.
Sensory, Oral and Fine Motor Fun (Make & Take)
A one day workshop designed for ‘hands-on” strategies and activities for children with special needs and/or ASD. The full day workshop includes:
- Overview of sensory processing dysfunction & how to use sensory strategies for engagement, play and attention
- Using ‘sensory diets’ for self regulation
- Oral motor strategies & skill development
- Tactile and motor foundation strategies & skill development
- Research on motor skill development & developmental sequences
- Prerequisite skills for early printing and drawing, including a visual kinesthetic approach
Make/Take Kits for each participant includes:
- Sensory “fidget toys ” including ideas for the seven senses
- Oral motor “kit” for early blowing, straw drinking and mouth games
- Tactile and early 2 handed activities
- “Kit” for task completion, grasp & release, prewriting and prescissor games
- Pencil grip “kit”, and a number of games and activities to promote finger dexterity and strength