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Autism Resources in Canada

Our list of best links, tools, and resources in Canada to help support Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asperger’s), and related disorders.

Kerry’s Place Autism Services

Is committed to enhancing the quality of life of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, through innovative personalized supports, expertise, collaboration and advocacy.

Kickstart – Disability Art and Culture

Kickstart’s mission is to produce and present works by artists with disabilities and to promote artistic excellence among artists with disabilities working in a variety of disciplines.

Kids Can, Mississauga

A centre that provide social opportunities for children with autism. Programs focus on building functional verbal and non-verbal communication skills through a variety of interactive activities.

Kids Matter Inc.

Specializing in Relationship Development Intervention and personal growth for children age 2 to adults. We have been running Social Skills Groups in the Fraser Valley since 1995.

Kids Psychological Centre Childrens’ Clinical & School Psychology Services

Kids Psychological Centre provides child psychology services that include comprehensive psychoeducational assessment, diagnostic assessment to inform evidence-based treatment planning, and consultation for children & adolescents from 5 to 21 years of age. Their primary focus is to provide personal, friendly service in a professional and caring environment.

Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre

KRRC serves approximately 190 clients. Most are mentally challenged adults with developmental, emotional, behavioral, psychological and/or psychiatric problems.

La Clé des champs

Un organisme communautaire situé à Montréal offrant des services d’entraide pour les personnes qui souffrent de troubles anxieux. A community organization located in Montreal that offers mutual aid services for people suffering from anxiety disorders.

La Société de l’Autisme des Laurentides

Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir contribuer à notre manière à l’allégement du quotidien des familles vivant avec une personne atteinte d’autisme ou d’un autre trouble envahissant du développement. Nous réussissons par la mise en place de nos activités à briser leur isolement. Tous les membres de la famille ont maintenant accès à une meilleure qualité de vie.

Lanark Autism Support

A connected group of parents, support workers, professionals and family members who meet monthly to discuss relevant issues, to advocate for themselves and their children, and to support each another. They have a wide variety of guest speakers and boast one of the largest participation rates of any non-profit, support organization in Lanark County.

Landmark East School

Meeting the needs of students ages 11 to 19 years diagnosed with learning disabilities including dyslexia and attention deficit disorder through its Middle and High School programs.

LDAY Centre for Learning

LDAY Centre for Learning is a volunteer, non-profit organization in Yukon, which provides services and programs for Yukoners with learning differences.