Family Support Institute
A province-wide organization whose purpose is to support and strengthen families faced with the extraordinary circumstances that come with having a family member who has a disability.
Being a parent or sibling of an autistic child is full of joys and challenges. The same goes for anyone who is a parent on the spectrum. Search our resources for any information regarding "parenting and family"
A province-wide organization whose purpose is to support and strengthen families faced with the extraordinary circumstances that come with having a family member who has a disability.
Offers a broad range of assessment and therapeutic services to all people with special needs irrespective of their developmental stage. Their unique programming offers behaviour intervention, social and life skills training, academic support, and other services to youth of all ages.
The Asante Centre is located in the downtown core of Maple Ridge, BC. Governed by the Greater Vancouver Fetal Alcohol Society, we offer diagnostic, assessment and family support services, based on a multidisciplinary team approach, for children, youth and adults affected by FASD.
An education and support group for parents of youth with disabilities who are transitioning to adulthood. The group meets once per month and features guest speakers who provide information and support to families.
Westcoast supports the healthy development of children, families and their communities by providing child development and child care information, referrals, training and resources for parents, caregivers and others who provide services to children and families.
A community-based Lower Mainland non-profit society offering programs to children and families experiencing difficulties, to children at risk and to individuals looking to improve their parenting skills. The Society delivers child-centered, family focused programs, respecting the dignity and integrity of all family members.