The Reflective Journey – A Practitioner’s Guide to the Low Arousal Approach
Written by Professor Andrew McDonnell, CEO of Studio3 and leading clinical psychologist in the field of managing behaviour, The Reflective Journey is a practical guide to supporting distressed individuals using a low arousal approach.
A term coined in the 1990s, low arousal has grown from its roots as a conceptual framework to a practical approach to managing behaviour. The author, as the originator of this approach, guides the reader through the theories and techniques involved in becoming a low arousal practitioner, from practical advice for interacting with stressed and traumatized people, to a philosophical understanding of the qualities and mindset required to be a truly reflective and empathic practitioner.
This book is an essential handbook for professionals and family members supporting an individual who can be challenging, be that in the form of physical aggression, self-harm, or other behaviours of concern. Containing many real-life examples and personal experiences of the author’s, The Reflective Journey is the first step towards applying the low arousal approach in real-world settings.
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