The SCERTS Model: A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
A groundbreaking synthesis of developmental, relationship-based, and skills-based approaches, the SCERTS Model provides a framework for improving communication and social-emotional abilities in preschool and primary school students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Developed by internationally recognized experts, SCERTS supports developmental progress in three domains: Social Communication (communicating spontaneously and establishing relationships), Emotional Regulation (regulating emotional arousal to support learning and engagement), and Transactional Support (including interpersonal supports, educational supports, support to families, and support among professionals). With this two volume manual, professionals will have comprehensive and practical guidance on using SCERTS in assessment and intervention.
Volume I: Assessment describes the research foundations of the model, discusses objectives for each of the SCERTS components, describes how to use the model in various settings, and guides professionals through assessment (forms are included to help collect information and monitor progress).
Volume II: Program Planning & Intervention gives explicit instruction on setting social communication and emotional regulation goals for children, choosing meaningful activities to help them reach the goals, and using transactional supports to work on each goal.