Asperger Syndrome
What is Asperger’s? How is it different from Autism? Here are the best books we can find dealing with Asperger Syndrome which is now referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder.
PublishersShowing 21–40 of 76 results
Asperger’s and Self-Esteem: Insight and Hope
From composer Amadeus Mozart to astronomer Carl Sagan, Ledgin examines the evidence of Asperger’s Syndrome in some of history’s most famous men and women and shows how, despite their apparent challenges, each made an immeasurable contribution…
$27.95In stock
Asperger’s Syndrome and Sexuality- From Adolescence through Adulthood
Playing the dating game is often tricky: all the more so for individuals with Asperger Syndrome. How do AS adolescents and their families cope with sexual feelings and behaviour?
$48.95 -
Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive at Home and at School
If you are raising a child with Asperger’s Syndrome, it can be a real challenge to find answers to your questions and make decisions while trying to keep pace with the latest developments in research and changes in the growth and behavior of your child. This book comes to the rescue by combining the latest medical information and interventions with clearcut strategies to help your child thrive at home and at school.
$19.95 -
Aspergers In Love
Asperger Syndrome (AS) has often been considered to be incompatible with love and relationships, but as the number of people who are diagnosed with the disorder increases, it is becoming apparent that people with AS can and do have full and intimate relat
$41.95 -
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Based on nearly two decades of Chantal Sicile-Kira’s personal and professional experiences with individuals and families affected by this growing epidemic, Autism Spectrum Disorders explains all aspects of the condition, including:
$18In stock
Autism-Asperger’s & Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond
Written by two adults diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, this ground-breaking, personal look at the sexual challenges of those diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s includes advice on dating, sex, birth control, disease prevention, abuse, and personal grooming and more.
$27.95 -
Autism…What Does It Mean To Me? Structured Teaching Ideas for Home and School
This workbook gives children and teens with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome an opportunity to understand themselves and their diagnosis.
$48.95In stock
Business for Aspies – 42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully
Most workplaces are a frenzied swirl of social interaction – between employees and bosses, customers and clients, and anyone else present. People with a mental framework better suited to non-social tasks can often be overlooked and underutilized in such an environment, but this book explains exactly how those with Asperger Syndrome can get their talents recognized and become successful and indispensable employees.
$37.95 -
Can I tell you about Asperger Syndrome? – A guide for friends and family
Meet Adam D – a young boy with AS. Adam invites young readers to learn about AS from his perspective.
$24.95In stock
Comprendre les personnes autistes de haut niveau
Peter Vermeulen décrit et illustre dans ce livre la manière d’être des personnes autistes de haut niveau dans les domaines de la communication, de la fréquentation d’autrui et du quotidien, dans un style concret, clair, souvent avec une pointe d’humour
$37.95In stock
Connecting With Your Asperger Partner: Negotiating the Maze of Intimacy
Drawing on her own experience of being married to a man with AS, Louise Weston shows that the road to intimacy begins with letting go of expectations and looking after your own physical and emotional needs. She provides tried-and-tested strategies for relating to and connecting with your AS partner, as well as useful tips for coping with hurtful words and meltdowns, helping your partner to interpret emotions, and finding further sources of help and support.
$32.95 -
Different Minds – Gifted Children with ADHD, ASD, and Other Dual Exceptionalities, Second Edition
In this fully updated second edition, this book provides an insight into the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with attention difficulties. Recognizing the different kinds and levels of giftedness, it explains why certain children are gifted and how giftedness is manifested, with each chapter addressing the relevance of a specific topic for children with ADHD and Asperger Syndrome.
$64 -
Different…Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment (Revised Ed.)
Temple’s primary mission is to help people with ASD and ADHD tap into their hidden abilities. Temple chose contributors from a wide variety of skill sets to show how this can be done. Each individual tells their own story, in their own words, about their lives. From relationships, bullying, making eye contact, honing social skills, and eventual careers, these stories have something everyone can learn from.
$27.95In stock
Employment for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability
Most people with Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NLD) or Asperger Syndrome (AS) are underemployed.
$48.95In stock
Finding Our Way: Practical Solutions for Creating a Supportive Home and Community for the Asperger Syndrome Family
This book, written by the mother of three children on the autism spectrum, targets the major issues families face in creating a comfortable environment for every family member.
$31.95 -
From Anxiety to Meltdown: How Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Deal with Anxiety, Experience Meltdowns, Manifest Tantrums, and How You Can Intervene Effectively
Anxiety is the root cause of many of the difficulties experienced by people on the autism spectrum, and is often caused by things such as a change in routine, or sensory overload. Deborah Lipsky takes a practical look at what happens when things spiral out of control, exploring what leads to meltdowns and and tantrums, and what can be done to help.
$33.95 -
Get out, Explore, and Have Fun! How Families of Children with Autism or Asperger Syndrome Can Get the Most out of Community Activities
Many families with a child with autism or Asperger Syndrome feel that involvement in the community is not for them. This book sets out to change that, with a rich and varied menu of suggestions for how such families can take full part in community life and support the strengths and interests of their child at the same time.