Some of the best audio and visual aids on the market in a variety of topics that deal with Autism Spectrum Disorder ( including Asperger’s). Everything from teaching aids, to basic information, to musical CD’s that inspire. Looking for something specific you aren’t seeing here? Please feel free to contact us. If it’s out there we can find it, or point you in the right direction.
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Showing all 6 results
Asperger Syndrome and Employment: A Personal Guide to Succeeding at Work
People with Asperger Syndrome (AS) can find it difficult to work in an environment that involves socialization with colleagues or a lack of routine. However, Asperger Syndrome and Employment shows how success in the workplace is possible with perseverance and with the right supports and strategies in place.
$41.95In stock
Cool Bananas
A selection of strong, regulated rhythms to support at state of calm, relaxation and regulation for children’s nervous system.
$29.95In stock
Say G’Day
A creative collection of songs designed to provide teachers, therapists, and parents with fun-filled rhythms that support and sustain focused attention.
$29.95In stock
Songames for Sensory Integration
A therapist’s wish list come true. These 25 Songames offer a world of developmental play activities, and the booklet triples the number of therapeutic ways to use the games.
$29.95In stock
The Alert Program with Songs for Self Regulation
Delight parents, teachers, and children with this instructional, yet playful CD set.
$27.95In stock