Learning Difficulties/ Gifted
PublishersShowing all 4 results
Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism
The future of our society depends on our gifted children—the population in which we’ll find our next Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, or Virginia Woolf. Yet the gifts and talents of some of our most brilliant kids may never be recognized because these children fall into a group known as twice exceptional, or “2e.”
$31.95 -
Different Minds – Gifted Children with ADHD, ASD, and Other Dual Exceptionalities, Second Edition
In this fully updated second edition, this book provides an insight into the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with attention difficulties. Recognizing the different kinds and levels of giftedness, it explains why certain children are gifted and how giftedness is manifested, with each chapter addressing the relevance of a specific topic for children with ADHD and Asperger Syndrome.
$64 -
Literacy Skill Development for Students With Special Learning Needs: A Strengths-Based Approach
Packed with strength-based strategies and reinforcement activities for the development/acquisition of literacy skills designed for students with special learning needs, including Autism Spectrum Disorders and Down Syndrome.
$41.95In stock
Understanding Sensory Dysfunction: Learning, Development and Sensory Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Bipolar Disorder
Understanding Sensory Dysfunction is a clear and comprehensive resource to identifying and addressing sensory dysfunction in children, using a range of practical strategies to help them reach their full potential at home, at school…
$36.95In stock