Other Disabilities
Often children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder are challenged by other disorders and disabilities, or special needs. This is a comprehensive list of resources on Dyspraxia, ADHD, Dyslexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourette’s, learning difficulties and more. Scroll down to see the entire list, or choose a category below.
- Additional Topics:
- Tourette Syndrome
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia
- Nonverbal Learning Disability
- Learning Difficulties/ Gifted
Showing 21–40 of 213 results
Bobby and Mandee’s Good Touch, Bad Touch, Revised Edition
When it comes to bad touches, Bobby advises children, “Whether it is a stranger, or someone you know well, the rules to be safe are always the same: Say no! Run away! And find a grown-up friend to tell!”
$16.95 -
Breath by Breath – A Mindfulness Guide to Feeling Calm
Lenny and Rosa are having tough days, and it’s hard to stay calm. Fortunately, their friend Sam is there to help! By teaching them how to use breathing exercises and other mindfulness techniques, Sam helps Lenny and Rosa relax, cope with worries and challenges, and turn their days around.
$25.95 -
Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism
The future of our society depends on our gifted children—the population in which we’ll find our next Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, or Virginia Woolf. Yet the gifts and talents of some of our most brilliant kids may never be recognized because these children fall into a group known as twice exceptional, or “2e.”
$31.95 -
Calm, Alert and Learning – Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation
Recent research tells us that one of the keys to student success is self-regulation – the ability to monitor and modify emotions, to focus or shift attention, to control impulses, to tolerate frustration or delay gratification.
$67 -
Can I tell you about ADHD?
Meet Ben – a young boy with ADHD. Ben invites readers to learn about ADHD from his perspective. He helps children understand what it means to have ADHD and describes what it is and how it feels. Ben explains how he was diagnosed and what he has learnt about ways to relieve his ADHD symptoms, and how friends and adults can help at home and school.
$24.95In stock
Can I tell you about OCD? A guide for friends, family and professionals
Meet Katie – a teenager with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Katie invites readers to learn about OCD from her perspective, helping them to understand what it is, how her obsessions and compulsions affect her daily life, and how people around her can help.
$24.95In stock
Can I tell you about Tourette Syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals
Meet Max – a boy with Tourette syndrome (TS). Max invites readers to learn about Tourette’s from his perspective, helping them to understand what tics and triggers are and what it feels like to have TS. He explains how living with TS can sometimes be difficult, and how people around him can help him to feel happy and accepted.
$24.95In stock
Can’t Play Won’t Play: Simply Sizzling Ideas to get the Ball Rolling for Children with Dyspraxia
Learning to roller skate or ride a bike should be an enjoyable experience, but for a child with developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD, also known as dyspraxia), these activities can lead to frustration and failure. “Can’t Play Won’t Play” is full
$36.95In stock
Clementine’s Great Big Uh Ohs: Preparing for the Unexpected
In the dynamic world in which we live, anxiety is becoming increasingly more prevalent in our kiddos. The management of anxiety can be challenging for kids and parents alike. The stories of Clementine create a playful environment for kids and parents to explore and face some of the challenges of anxiety with psychological distance.
$17.95 -
Coaching Comprehension: Nurturing Narratives – Story-based language intervention for children with language impairments that are complicated by other developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders
Children with complex learning problems (CLP) need to learn important language and academic skills. These children are often in situations that may not be meaningful to them and hence are too complex for learning to occur. Due to the importance of understanding and telling stories for all children, “Nurturing Narratives” was developed as a story-based language intervention for children.
$41.95In stock
Collaborative Approaches to Learning for Pupils with PDA
This book distills expert advice on implementing collaborative approaches to learning for supporting pupils with Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) at school. Explaining why this approach is so beneficial, it presents key information, advice and resources to help education professionals best support pupils with PDA, and also school staff.
$27.95In stock
Come and Play: Sensory-Integration Strategies for Children with Play Challenges
Early intervention is vital in addressing and redirecting play challenges in young children. Each of five common play challenges–children who roam playrooms, play repetitiously, appear anxious, are detached, or are rejected by peers–are highlighted. Also included are sensory integration ideas and activities to promote positive and productive play.
$41.95In stock
Creative Coping Skills for Teens and Tweens – Activities for Self Care and Emotional Support including Art, Yoga, and Mindfulness
Presenting creative activities to young people who need to develop coping and self-care skills, this practical and fun book is ideal for practitioners working with young people who are feeling voiceless, ineffective or fearful at life events
$49.95 -
Declarative Language Handbook
This book was written to teach you how making small shifts in your language and speaking style will produce important results. You will stop telling kids what to do and instead thoughtfully give them information to help them make important discoveries in the moment. These moments build resilience, flexibility, and positive relationships over time.
$14.50 -
Demystifying Transition Assessment
Assessment is the cornerstone of every good transition plan. Now there’s a book that demystifies the what, when, why, and how of collecting transition assessment data-and using the results to help students with disabilities prepare for adulthood.
$48.95 -
Different Minds – Gifted Children with ADHD, ASD, and Other Dual Exceptionalities, Second Edition
In this fully updated second edition, this book provides an insight into the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with attention difficulties. Recognizing the different kinds and levels of giftedness, it explains why certain children are gifted and how giftedness is manifested, with each chapter addressing the relevance of a specific topic for children with ADHD and Asperger Syndrome.
$64 -
Different Speeds and Different Needs: How to Teach Sports to Every Kid
This comprehensive guide shows K–12 teachers and coaches how to establish, revamp, and sustain inclusive sports programs that benefit students with a wide range of special needs and challenges.
$38.95In stock
Different…Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment (Revised Ed.)
Temple’s primary mission is to help people with ASD and ADHD tap into their hidden abilities. Temple chose contributors from a wide variety of skill sets to show how this can be done. Each individual tells their own story, in their own words, about their lives. From relationships, bullying, making eye contact, honing social skills, and eventual careers, these stories have something everyone can learn from.
$27.95In stock