Tourette Syndrome
PublishersShowing all 5 results
Can I tell you about Tourette Syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals
Meet Max – a boy with Tourette syndrome (TS). Max invites readers to learn about Tourette’s from his perspective, helping them to understand what tics and triggers are and what it feels like to have TS. He explains how living with TS can sometimes be difficult, and how people around him can help him to feel happy and accepted.
$24.95In stock
The Tourette Syndrome & OCD Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers
Children with TS are often teased and punished for the unusual yet uncontrollable symptoms of their disorder. Academic failure is common. “The Tourette Syndrome/OCD Checklist” helps parents and teachers to better understand children and youth with TS and/or OCD and provide the support and interventions these children need.
$22.95In stock
Tic Disorders – A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Presenting everything parents and professionals need to know about tic disorders, this essential guide provides up-to-date information on the condition, diagnosis, its management, and how to support a child with a tic disorder. Written in clear, accessible language, it also covers common co-occurring conditions and difficulties.
$33.95In stock
Tics and Tourette Syndrome – A Handbook for Parents and Professionals
This essential guide to tic disorders and Tourette Syndrome tackles problems faced both at home and at school, such as adjusting to the diagnosis, the effect on siblings and classroom difficulties.
$34.95 -
Why Do You Do That? A Book about Tourette Syndrome for Children and Young People
Written specifically for siblings of children with Tourette Syndrome (TS), Why Do You Do That? is an age-appropriate source of information for children and adolescents aged 8 to 16.