Autism related resources and help

Autism ResourcesAutism

Search our resources section for all links organizations, or tools related to autism.

AutismCare Nepal

The only active autism organization in Nepal that is run by passionate parents that care for children with autism. We provide support and information services to persons with autism and people who work with these children in Nepal.

Autisme Centraal (Gent, Belguim)

We verzamelen theoretische en praktische expertise omtrent autisme. Via studiedagen, een ruim aanbod van workshops en cursussen dragen we deze kennis uit. De complexe informatie over autisme verwerken we op een begrijpbare manier in verscheidene boeken en publicaties waaronder het tijdschrift van Autisme Centraal.

Autisme Suisse Association des Parents (Switzerland)

En tant que membre d’Autisme Europe et de World Autism Organisation, Autisme Suisse soutient les efforts fournis pour l’amélioration de la situation de vie des personnes atteintes d’autisme.

Autismeforeningen i Norge (Oslo, Norway)

Autismeforeningen i Norge er en sammenslutning av mennesker med diagnose innen autismespekteret, foreldre og andre pårørende samt andre interesserte.

Autismi- ja Aspergerliitto ry (Finland)

Vuonna 1997 perustettu Autismi- ja Aspergerliitto ry edistää ja valvoo autismin kirjon henkilöiden ja heidän perheidensä yleisiä yhteiskunnallisia oikeuksia ja tasa-arvoa.

Autismo Burgos (Spain)

La Asociación persigue este objetivo mediante la creación, el desarrollo y/o la optimización de los servicios necesarios para dar respuesta a sus necesidades.

Autismo Galicia (Spain)

Ao noso colectivo de atención, persoas con Trastornos do Espectro Autista e ás súas familias, ademais, ofrecémoslles servizos de atención directa como formación, emprego, ocio e tempo libre ou respiro familiar.

Autismo Italia

Dopo tanti anni di colloqui giornalieri con i genitori di bambini affetti dal problema meglio conosciuto come “Spettro dei disordini della Sindrome Autistica”, abbiamo voluto trasmettere una informazione reale, concreta ed obiettiva del problema.

Autismo Sevilla (Spain)

An organisation set up in Seville, southern Spain, in 1997, with the aim of promoting the needs of individuals with autism and other pervasive developmental disorders.

Bahrain Society for Children with Behavioral and Communication Difficulties (Bahrain)

Promotes lifelong access and opportunity for all individuals with the behavioral and communication difficulties, and their families, to be fully participating, included members of their community. Education, active public awareness and the promotion of research form the cornerstones of the society’s efforts to carry forth its mission.

Barry Prizant

Barry Prizant has more than 30 years experience as a clinical scholar, researcher and program consultant to young children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related disabilities and their families. He is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

BC Association for Community Living

A provincial association dedicated to promoting the participation of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects community life. We also support activities dedicated to building inclusive communities that value the diverse abilities of all people.

BC Centre for Ability

A non-profit organization with over 34 years of experience in the field of disabilities, providing individualized therapy and support services to children and youth in their homes and communities, specialized community living services and comprehensive vocational and support services for adults, and promoting successful community participation for individuals with disabilities.

BC Coalition of People with Disabilities

A provincial, cross-disability advocacy organization. Our mandate is to raise public and political awareness of issues that concern us. We hope, through our work, to facilitate the full participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society and to promote independence.