Other Disabilities Archives - Page 10 of 18 - Autism Awareness

Autism Resources

Not all of our resources and tools are autism-specific; they can be helpful with disabilities as well. Search our resources section for all information pertaining to "other disabilities".

Learning Disability (UK)

Provides information, education, resources, advocacy and services for those working with adults with learning disabilities. Their service is for those who have an active interest in promoting equality of opportunity and social inclusion for people with learning disabilities.

Let’s Play Project

For many young children with disabilities, play is often limited. The Let’s Play! Projects look to provide families with ways to play through the use of assistive technology.

Life Skills Center BC

An organziation that supports individuals and families with a wide range of physical and intellectual disabilites, specializing in autism spectrum disorders. Offers a wide variety of person-centered services through a life skills program based on the needs of families.


Believes that all people deserve the opportunity to live and work in the community where they are respected and rewarded for their efforts, skills and accomplishments.

Linda Hodgdon

Linda’s newly designed website has some terrific offerings. She has a free newsletter called Visual Buzz, which is geared for anyone working with developmental disabilities. One part of the website is dedicated to printable visual strategy information. You can also e-mail your questions to Linda.

Linwood School (Bournemouth)

Welcomes pupils from a wide geographical area and support a comprehensive range of Special Educational Needs. The range of needs includes moderate, severe and profound learning difficulties and pupils with autistic spectrum disorders.

M.O.R.E. Services Inc.

A not-for-profit agency in Miramichi, New Brunswick, which assists and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Macdonald Youth Services

A registered charitable organization that provides children and their families with a range of quality treatment and support services since 1929. We are a child-centered, family-focused treatment agency, committed to a systemic approach in the delivery of our programs and services. Serves the cities of Winnipeg and Thompson.

Manitoba Association for Behaviour Analysis (MABA)

Our purpose and mission is to develop and disseminate knowledge about behaviour analysis as a science. MABA’s interests lie in basic science focusing on principles governing human and nonhuman behaviour (i.e., the experimental analysis of behavior) as well as applied science focusing on application of those principles for improvement of socially important problems (i.e., the applied behaviour analysis), and disseminating this information to stimulate interest in and correct misunderstandings of behaviour analysis.

Manitoba Child Care Association

A non-profit, membership-funded, non-partisan organization incorporated in 1974. Our mission is to advocate for a quality system of child care, to advance early childhood education as a profession, and to provide services to our members.

Manitoba Education – School Support

Provides information and contacts for parents, teachers, resource teachers, schools and school divisions regarding special education, funding, published documents and educational programming.

Manitoba FEAT

A group of families in the province of Manitoba, Canada who promote and support treatments proven to be effective for autism and related disorders.

Manitoba Institute of Child Health

Improves the health of children and youth by creating an environment that fosters research and the development and application of treatments and cures.

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities

The MLPD is a united voice of people with disabilities, and their supporters, that promotes equal rights, full participation in society, and facilitates postive change through advocacy and public education.