Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet: A Story about Trouble with Toilet Training
Successful toilet training is a time of celebration for both parents and child. It marks the end of dirty diapers and a forward step in the development of a child. Fraught with both stress and triumph, the period of toilet training can take from days to months. For a typical child, learning to gain control over the body’s internal stimuli can be at best challenging. For many children, however, these internal cues can be overwhelming and confusing, leading to both a frustrating and traumatic toileting experience.
Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet illustrates the relationship between eating and excreting. It provides visual instructions on how to “relax and push”. After much fanfare, Liam finally masters going `poo’ in the toilet, and both he and Mum bask in the glory of a job well done.