Same But Different – Teen Life on the Autism Express
Teenage authors Ryan Elizabeth Peete and her twin brother, Rodney, who has autism, share their experiences of what it means to be a teen living with autism.
Fifteen-year-old Callie loves her brother Charlie, yet after years of constant supervision, “Team Charlie” meetings, and explanations to teachers, she is eager to escape the “The Charlie Show” when she begins 10th grade while Charlie repeats ninth. Though Charlie is similarly happy to be away from his sister, he needs her love and attention as he navigates a world of mean-spirited friends and dating mishaps, as well as the loss of a favorite pet. The Peetes authors excel in representing the multiple adjustments needed to accommodate ASD, from the cacophony of sounds, smells, and colors that agitate Charlie to the way a simple dinner must be arranged to avoid an outburst. Ages 12 and up.