Using Systems to Teach Social and Emotional Information
Featuring Kari Dunn Buron
Highly rigid and restrictive routines are a part of the autism diagnosis. If we look at autism through the neurodiversity lens, we might notice that repetitive routines are a learning strength for autistic individuals.
The Incredible 5-Point Scale was developed with this assumption in mind. The scale is a highly systemized method of teaching social and emotional information. What we have found over the recent 20 years is that focusing on rigidity and inflexibility as a learning strength, and placing value on that learning channel, can assist educators and parents in creating successful strategies.
This presentation reviews three highly systemized approaches to teaching social and emotional information.
Welcome and Introductions
Introduction to a systemized learning style
The nature of social cognition and emotional regulation
The 5-Point Scale
5 Stars
Video Self-Modeling
Question and Answers
Closing Remarks
Kari Dunn Buron, MS, Autism Education Specialist
Kari taught in the K-12 MN public school system with students on the autism spectrum for 30+ years, is a Past President of the Autism Society of MN, a founding member of the MN Autism Project, and she developed an Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate program for educators at Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. In 2003, Kari received a Fellowship that allowed her to spend a year interviewing and working internationally with a number of scientists and researchers in the area of Neuroscience, Social Cognition, Education and Autism with a focus on challenging behaviors. Kari has presented her work internationally and has done volunteer work related to autism in Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Nepal. In 2012, she was inducted into the Illinois State University Department of Education Hall of Fame.
Kari is the co-author of The Incredible 5-Point Scale (Revised Edition) and Social Context and Self-Management: A System for Clarifying Social Information for Adolescents and Adults. She is the author of When My Worries Get Too Big, (Revised Edition and winner of the 2013 Mom’s Choice Award, A 5 Could Make Me Lose Control and A 5 is Against the Law! (2008 ASA literary award winner). Kari is also the author of an early chapter book called Adalyn’s Clare, about a highly anxious 4th grader who struggles with emotional regulation.
Kari recently began self-publishing her work under the 5 Point Scale Publishing brand. Her books will be re-launched in early 2022 and can be accessed through her website and Autism Awareness Centre Inc.