Anger, anxiety and stress can be the root cause of behaviour of concern. These are some of our favourite resources offering practical help for supporting individuals who have behaviour of concern.
PublishersShowing 21–40 of 127 results
Behavior Solutions for the Home and Community – See a Behavior, Look it Up!
This helpful book is intended to provide general, practical solutions for busy (and often overwhelmed) parents who can benefit from a handy reference guide to help them address common behaviors at home and in the community. A must have for every home with a child with autism!
$20.95In stock
Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom: See a behavior? Look it up!
As inclusion becomes the norm in general education, teachers are faced with behaviors they have never seen before. Special needs educators may recognize the telltale symptom of a sensory need or a textbook-case of an avoidance behavior, but this is all new territory for the general-ed crowd!
$20.95In stock
Behavior Support for Students with ASD – Practical Help for 10 Common Challenges
When students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) engage in challenging behavior, how can teachers best respond? This practical guidebook shows you how to address ten of the most common classroom behavior challenges—from following directions to handling transitions—with skill, insight, and compassion.
$55.95In stock
Behavioral Challenges in Children with Autism and Other Special Needs
This book offers a comprehensive view of behavioral challenges for a child with autism or other special needs from a developmental perspective based on the DIRFloortime® framework.
$50.95 -
Behavioural Concerns and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Explanations and Strategies for Change
This book is a practical and comprehensive account of how people who attract autism labels can come to behave in ways that give rise to serious concerns in other people and, sometimes, themselves.
$45.95 -
Beyond Behaviors: Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children’s Behavioral Challenges
In Beyond Behaviors, internationally known pediatric psychologist, Dr. Mona Delahooke describes behaviors as the tip of the iceberg, important signals that we should address by seeking to understand a child’s individual differences in the context of relational safety.
$39.95 -
Breath by Breath – A Mindfulness Guide to Feeling Calm
Lenny and Rosa are having tough days, and it’s hard to stay calm. Fortunately, their friend Sam is there to help! By teaching them how to use breathing exercises and other mindfulness techniques, Sam helps Lenny and Rosa relax, cope with worries and challenges, and turn their days around.
$25.95 -
Building Sensory Friendly Classrooms to Support Children with Challenging Behaviors
Rebecca Moyes, a teacher, author, renowned lecturer, and mother of a child with Asperger’s Syndrome, helps walk any regular education or special education teacher through the process of setting up a sensory?friendly classroom in this easy to use book.
$27.95In stock
Can I tell you about Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals
In this illustrated guide Issy invites readers to learn about PDA, a part of the autism spectrum, from her perspective, helping them to understand how it causes her to find simple, everyday demands very stressful. Issy tells readers (aged 7 upwards) about all the ways she can be helped and supported by those around her.
$25.95 -
Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism – A Psycho-Ecological Approach
Based on Dr Amitta Shah’s 35 years of clinical and research experience, this practical book shows how to recognise and diagnose catatonia in people with autism. Written for professionals, friends and family, it gives a brand new psychological approach to support individuals with autism who have mild to moderate catatonia.
$45.95 -
Clementine’s Great Big Uh Ohs: Preparing for the Unexpected
In the dynamic world in which we live, anxiety is becoming increasingly more prevalent in our kiddos. The management of anxiety can be challenging for kids and parents alike. The stories of Clementine create a playful environment for kids and parents to explore and face some of the challenges of anxiety with psychological distance.
$17.95 -
Coping with Stress Through Picture Rehearsal: A How to Manual for Working with Individuals with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Picture rehearsal is an instructional strategy that uses repeated practice of a sequence of behaviors by presenting the sequence to the individual in the form of pictures and accompanying script.
$56In stock
Creative Coping Skills for Teens and Tweens – Activities for Self Care and Emotional Support including Art, Yoga, and Mindfulness
Presenting creative activities to young people who need to develop coping and self-care skills, this practical and fun book is ideal for practitioners working with young people who are feeling voiceless, ineffective or fearful at life events
$49.95 -
Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control? Why kids get confrontational in the classroom, and what to do about it
Managing behaviours in the group dynamic of a classroom setting can be challenging for teachers. Theories of child psychology support practical advice to facilitate healthy teacher-student relationships and a positive group atmosphere.
$33.95 -
Exploring Feelings: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Manage Anger
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapy program Exploring Feelings was designed by the author to be highly structured, interesting and successful in encouraging the cognitive control of emotions.
$28.95In stock
Fear Not! How to Face Your Fear and Anxiety Head On
By teaching children how to confront their fears and mindfully ride the wave of anxiety, this book equips them with the tools they need to deal with the inevitable stressors of life and feel confident no matter the challenge.
$23.95 -
Freedom from Seclusion and Restraint – The Studio 3 Approach
This book is for any practitioner or family member supporting individuals in crisis. The Low Arousal Approach, designed and implemented by Studio 3, has been applied in a variety of different care settings, and is also becoming more popular in schools and classrooms. Applying the Low Arousal Approach to behaviour management and crisis situations is a complicated process. This book is full of honest examples about how to achieve restraint and seclusion elimination goals. This is a difficult and emotional subject, and readers may feel challenged by some elements of this book.
$31.95In stock