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Recently added titles to Autism Awareness Centre’s growing book catalogue.
PublishersShowing 1–20 of 187 results
Autism and Education – The Way I See It: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know
In these helpful pages, Dr. Grandin offers do’s and don’ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her insider perspective and extensive research. Interestingly, she argues that education for kids on the autism spectrum must focus on their overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions to the world.
$24.95 -
Autism and Difficult Moments, 25th Anniversary Edition: Practical Solutions for Reducing Meltdowns
A highly practical and user-friendly resource, Autism and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Meltdowns, Revised Edition describes the three-stage cycle of a meltdown and identifies effective, evidence-based strategies to use at each stage. In addition, the book outlines how to prevent the occurrence of meltdowns through instruction, interpretation, and coaching.
$27.95 -
My Senses Are Like Cups – What to Do When Everything Feels Too Much or Not Nearly Enough
Help your child aged 7+ think about, explore and develop ways to manage sensory overload and feeling under stimulated with quirky cartoons that visually illustrate the approach. Sections on each of the eight senses (including your internal ‘body signals’ like hunger) feature noticing and knowledge-building activities to help kids get their own, unique, senses cups feeling ‘just right’ for them. Get going on some sensory experiments!
$26.95 -
Enhancing the Well-Being of Students on the Autism Spectrum – Learning from Students, Parents, and Teachers
The importance of enhancing students’ well-being is recognized around the world, yet the well-being of autistic students remains largely unexplored. With the increasing enrolment of autistic students in mainstream schools, it is imperative to develop a comprehensive understanding of the well-being of autistic students to facilitate their sense of well-being in school. Enhancing the Well-Being of Students on the Autism…
$70.95 -
Freedom from Seclusion and Restraint – The Studio 3 Approach
This book is for any practitioner or family member supporting individuals in crisis. The Low Arousal Approach, designed and implemented by Studio 3, has been applied in a variety of different care settings, and is also becoming more popular in schools and classrooms. Applying the Low Arousal Approach to behaviour management and crisis situations is a complicated process. This book is full of honest examples about how to achieve restraint and seclusion elimination goals. This is a difficult and emotional subject, and readers may feel challenged by some elements of this book.
$31.95In stock
Autism and Independence: Assessments and Interventions to Prepare Teens for Adult Life
Autism & Independence is a new clinical resource to help teens and young adults with autism become their own person. Focusing on a population often overlooked, autism expert Dr. Daniel Marston wrote this game-changing guide, filled with strategies and skill building exercises.
$37.95 -
Creating Quality of Life for Adults on the Autism Spectrum – The Story of Bittersweet Farms
Creating Quality of Life for Adults on the Autism Spectrum: The Story of Bittersweet Farms provides an overview of the first farmstead community for adults with autism established in North America. The book also provides a detailed description and evaluation of the intervention model used to promote quality of life for the adults with autism who live as residents at Bittersweet Farms.
$51.95 -
Fun with Food Card Deck: 99 Playful Activities to Help Picky Eaters and Problem Feeders Explore New Foods
Featuring 99 activities, this deck will help parents and therapists guide kids through six main steps – visually tolerating, interacting with, smelling, touching, tasting, and eating new foods – all while engaging in imaginative food-based games, songs, challenges, and art activities.
$37.95 -
Interoception Yoga Cards
The Interoception Yoga Cards are a series of 134 cards that provide guided exercise(s) for noticing the interoceptive body signals that arise while holding a specific yoga pose like Cobra or Child’s Pose. If you are looking for creative, fun and evidence-based activities to enhance interoceptive awareness in the clients you serve, these cards are for you!
$98.95In stock
Helping Your Child with PDA Live a Happier Life
Drawing on the author’s personal experience of parenting a child with PDA, this insightful and informative guide offers strategies and tips for all aspects of daily life, including sensory issues, education and negotiation.
$30.95 -
Parenting Dual Exceptional Children
This is the first comprehensive guide for parents of children with Dual and Multiple Exceptionality (DME, sometimes called Twice Exceptionality or 2E). Children with high learning potential may also have conditions such as ASD, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia, having ‘flashes of brilliance’ in some areas whilst needing additional support in others.
$42.95 -
Fear Not! How to Face Your Fear and Anxiety Head On
By teaching children how to confront their fears and mindfully ride the wave of anxiety, this book equips them with the tools they need to deal with the inevitable stressors of life and feel confident no matter the challenge.