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Recently added titles to Autism Awareness Centre’s growing book catalogue.
PublishersShowing 21–40 of 187 results
Parenting while Autistic: Raising Kids When You’re Neurodivergent
If anyone suggests that autistic people should not have children, in the mistaken belief that they would not be good parents because of their neurodiversity, they are wrong. Completely wrong. This is not to say that every autistic person should have a child, any more than every neuro-majority person should. People usually know for themselves whether or not they want to become parents, and if they don’t, they shouldn’t. It’s as simple as that.
$27.95 -
Planning Your Career Through Intense Interests
Planning a career around your special or intense interests is possible and, in fact, easier than you might think! If you’re wondering how you can turn your love of animals, intense fascination of transportation or passion for information technology (and much more!) into a fulfilling career, that you will never get bored of, you’ve come to the right place!
$27.95 -
Remarkable Remy
Remarkable Remy is a warm and optimistic story that introduces an Autistic character to a young audience. The story helps explain the Autistic brain – how it works a little differently and how unique it is – and how our neurodivergent friends make the world remarkable!
$28.99 -
The Autism Couple’s Workbook, Second Edition
Advice and activities to build understanding and communication in relationships where one or both partners is on the Autism Spectrum. This edition is fully updated to reflect contemporary research and changes to the DSM-V and provides exercises for couples to collaboratively work through the challenges that may arise in a neurodiverse relationship.
$42.95 -
Helping Children to Manage Transitions
Based on over thirty years of expertise, Deborah Plummer provides varied and straightforward activities for teachers, parents, and therapists to healthily engage with children and help them manage stress. This activity book allows space to explore stress and help children identify some of their worries, whilst also providing help on how to build skills and strategies that will help them recognize normal signs of stress and how to respond to these appropriately. It also explores the potential benefits and enjoyments of positive stress, allowing children to have a healthy relationship with difficult feelings.
$30.95 -
Students with Autism: How to improve language, literacy, and academic success
Katharine Beals describes the root causes of the language and learning challenges in autism, their various academic consequences, and a variety of tools and strategies for addressing them. Drawing on what the most current evidence shows about the nature of autism and which therapies are most successful, Beals discusses the implications for autism-friendly instruction in academic subjects.
$25.50In stock
Autism and Us – Old as Time: A Social History of Autism
Autism is old and unruly. It’s been a part of us since we first left handprints on cave walls 40,000 years ago. AUTISM AND US covers a long-stretch view of its neurological history and how society has judged it.
$27.95 -
All About Autism – A Practical Guide for Secondary Teachers
All About Autism is an accessible and informative guide for secondary school teachers, designed to increase their knowledge and understanding of autism and enhance their toolkit with practical, adaptable strategies to support autistic learners in their care.
$27.95 -
Where Do I Start? How to navigate the emotional journey of autism parenting
From weathering the initial impact of a potential diagnosis, to self-care strategies and finding new parameters for success, reading this book is like being taken by the hand and shown how to look after your own mental health while supporting your child. Each chapter is full of guidance from someone who’s been where you are now, and tells you what you really need to know so you can journey from panic and uncertainty to confidence, acceptance and strength.
$28.95 -
Under the Radar – An Essential Guide to Autism and Girls
This straightforward, one-stop guide introduces you to the differing presentations of autism that are common in girls, but also explores why referring to ‘male’ and ‘female’ autism is too reductive. Describing why some autistic girls’ needs are identified late or not at all, looking at friendships and relationships, education, mental health and puberty, this concise, easy-to-understand and informative book draws on both lived experience and research to offer a popular science overview of this important topic.
$29.95 -
Autism and Education – The Way I See It: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know
In these helpful pages, Dr. Grandin offers do’s and don’ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her insider perspective and extensive research. Interestingly, she argues that education for kids on the autism spectrum must focus on their overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions to the world.
$24.95 -
Autism and Difficult Moments, 25th Anniversary Edition: Practical Solutions for Reducing Meltdowns
A highly practical and user-friendly resource, Autism and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Meltdowns, Revised Edition describes the three-stage cycle of a meltdown and identifies effective, evidence-based strategies to use at each stage. In addition, the book outlines how to prevent the occurrence of meltdowns through instruction, interpretation, and coaching.
$27.95 -
My Senses Are Like Cups – What to Do When Everything Feels Too Much or Not Nearly Enough
Help your child aged 7+ think about, explore and develop ways to manage sensory overload and feeling under stimulated with quirky cartoons that visually illustrate the approach. Sections on each of the eight senses (including your internal ‘body signals’ like hunger) feature noticing and knowledge-building activities to help kids get their own, unique, senses cups feeling ‘just right’ for them. Get going on some sensory experiments!
$26.95 -
Enhancing the Well-Being of Students on the Autism Spectrum – Learning from Students, Parents, and Teachers
The importance of enhancing students’ well-being is recognized around the world, yet the well-being of autistic students remains largely unexplored. With the increasing enrolment of autistic students in mainstream schools, it is imperative to develop a comprehensive understanding of the well-being of autistic students to facilitate their sense of well-being in school. Enhancing the Well-Being of Students on the Autism…