Other Disabilities
Often children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder are challenged by other disorders and disabilities, or special needs. This is a comprehensive list of resources on Dyspraxia, ADHD, Dyslexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourette’s, learning difficulties and more. Scroll down to see the entire list, or choose a category below.
- Additional Topics:
- Tourette Syndrome
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia
- Nonverbal Learning Disability
- Learning Difficulties/ Gifted
Showing 61–80 of 213 results
Helping Children to Manage Stress
Based on over thirty years of expertise, Deborah Plummer provides varied and straightforward activities for teachers, parents, and therapists to healthily engage with children and help them manage stress. This activity book allows space to explore stress and help children identify some of their worries, whilst also providing help on how to build skills and strategies that will help them recognize normal signs of stress and how to respond to these appropriately. It also explores the potential benefits and enjoyments of positive stress, allowing children to have a healthy relationship with difficult feelings.
$30.95 -
Helping Children to Manage Transitions
Based on over thirty years of expertise, Deborah Plummer provides varied and straightforward activities for teachers, parents, and therapists to healthily engage with children and help them manage stress. This activity book allows space to explore stress and help children identify some of their worries, whilst also providing help on how to build skills and strategies that will help them recognize normal signs of stress and how to respond to these appropriately. It also explores the potential benefits and enjoyments of positive stress, allowing children to have a healthy relationship with difficult feelings.
$30.95 -
Helping Children with Dyspraxia
Helping Children with Dyspraxia provides clear and positive answers to the questions commonly asked by parents and teachers about behaviour, causes, identification and assessment associated with dyspraxia and discusses the range of possible therapeutic in
$34.95 -
Helping Your Child with PDA Live a Happier Life
Drawing on the author’s personal experience of parenting a child with PDA, this insightful and informative guide offers strategies and tips for all aspects of daily life, including sensory issues, education and negotiation.
$30.95 -
Helping Your Child with Sensory Regulation – Skills to Manage the Emotional and Behavioral Components of Your Child’s Sensory Processing Challenges
This book will help you understand your child’s behavior, as well as the root cause of their emotional outbursts, and provides an arsenal of tools to help your child self-regulate.
$29.95In stock
Homeschooling, Autism Style – Reset for Success
Parents all over the world are suddenly homeschooling. Are you one of them? If you have children on the autism spectrum, the prospect may seem even more daunting. Homeschooling, Autism Style: Reset for Success will give you what you need to step up.
$21.95In stock
Hope for the Violently Aggressive Child: New Diagnoses and Treatments that Work
Dr. Ralph Ankenman presents new diagnoses and treatment options for children who have severe disruptive meltdowns at home or school. Referred to as Immature Adrenaline Systems Over reactivity (IASO), this approach is based on the relationship between aggression and the body’s adrenaline systems.
$27.95 -
How Can I Remember All That? Simple Stuff to Improve Your Working Memory
A child-friendly illustrated guide to what working memory is, what it feels like to have problems with your working memory, and what you can do about it. Offering easy to follow tips and strategies, this is the go-to book for kids aged 7+ to read with their parents or teachers, and includes a note for adults on testing for working memory issues.
$26.95 -
How Does Your Engine Run? A Leader’s Guide to the Alert Program for Self-Regulation
An essential resource for those working with children who have attention problems and/or learning difficulties.
$56.95In stock
How to Help a Clumsy Child – Strategies for Young Children with Developmental Motor Concern
A practical resource manual and ‘how to help’ book for parents of, or professionals working with, young children with motor coordination developmental delays.
$34.95In stock
I Can’t Go to School! The School Non-Attender’s Workbook
If you think that going to school is tough – you’re not wrong. It’s difficult to do subjects you don’t understand. Or be with people you don’t feel comfortable around. Or to deal with the feelings you get when you think about going to school.
$30.95 -
Inclusive Education in a Strengths-Based Era – Mapping the Future of the Field
In this inaugural book in their Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities series, Michael L. Wehmeyer and Jennifer A. Kurth explore central, defining questions for the field of special and inclusive education: who, what, and where do we teach; what works in inclusive education; and where does inclusive education go now?
$41.95 -
Interoception Exercise Cards
The Interoception Exercise Cards are a series of 124 cards that provide guided prompt(s) for noticing the interoceptive body signals that arise while doing a specific exercise like Sit-Ups or Jumping Jacks. If you are looking for creative, fun and evidence-based activities to enhance interoceptive awareness in the clients you serve, these cards are for you!
$98.95 -
Interoception Yoga Cards
The Interoception Yoga Cards are a series of 134 cards that provide guided exercise(s) for noticing the interoceptive body signals that arise while holding a specific yoga pose like Cobra or Child’s Pose. If you are looking for creative, fun and evidence-based activities to enhance interoceptive awareness in the clients you serve, these cards are for you!
$98.95In stock
It’s More Than “Just Being In” – Creating Authentic Inclusion for Students with Complex Support Needs
For students with disabilities, including those with complex support needs, inclusion means more than just physical presence in a classroom—it means valued membership and full participation in a general education classroom and the school community. This book is your school team’s practical blueprint for making authentic inclusion happen in K–12 classrooms.
$51.95 -
Joyful Learning: Active and Collaborative Learning in Inclusive Classrooms – 2nd. Edition
This accessible resource for K–12 inclusive classrooms helps teachers create an environment for active and collaborative learning that encourages and supports all students, including those who may have marked differences in ability, need, language…
$55.95 -
Les enfants atteints de troubles multiples: Le guide complet pour les parents, les enseignants et les professionnels
De nombreux enfants sont atteints de troubles tels que le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité, les troubles d’apprentissage ou les troubles anxieux.
$34.95In stock