Personal Stories
Looking for insight into your child’s mind, or real-life inspiration from people with Autism who have thrived? A list of truly remarkable stories told from the perspective of either people with Autism, or their caregivers.
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Showing 1–20 of 30 results
A Thorn in My Pocket: Temple Grandin’s Mother Tells the Family Story
Author: Eustacia CutlerPublishing Info: Paperback pages / December 2016The mother of the most famous person with autism today, Temple Grandin, Ph.D., tells the story of her death-lock struggle with medical authorities and her husband.
$23.95 -
Autism, Identity and Me – A Professional and Parent Guide to Support a Positive Understanding of Autistic Identity
Author: Rebecca DuffusPublishing Info: Paperback 134 Pages 23 Color & 8 B/W Illustrations / February 2023This informative and engaging guidebook provides key adults – parents, school staff and therapists – with the tools needed to support children and young people as they develop a positive understanding of their autistic identity.
$37.95 -
Born on a Blue Day
Author: Daniel TammetPublishing Info: Paperback 240 pages / 2007Born on a Blue Day is a journey into one of the most fascinating minds alive today — guided by its owner himself. Daniel Tammet sees numbers as shapes, colors, and textures, and he can perform extraordinary calculations in his head.
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Connecting with the Autism Spectrum: How to Talk, How to Listen, and Why You Shouldn’t Call It High-Functioning
Author: Casey VormerPublishing Info: Paperback 144 pages / October 2020For a friend, family member, or coworker with autism, communication can be challenging. But Connecting with the Autism Spectrum can help you find common ground with expert tips and helpful insights about talking (and listening) to neurodiverse adults so you can make your interactions more transparent, meaningful, and rewarding for all.
$21.95 -
Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8 – A Young Man’s Voice from the Silence of Autism
Author: Naoki HigashidaPublishing Info: Hardcover 240 pages / July 2017Based on his hugely successful blogs in Japan, Naoki Higashida gives us, in short powerful chapters, his moving, beautiful insights into life, identity, education, his family, our society, and personal growth.
$29.95 -
How to Build a Hug: Temple Grandin and Her Amazing Squeeze Machine
Author: Amy Guglielmo and Jacqueline TourvillePublishing Info: Hardcover 48 pages / August 2018As a young girl, Temple Grandin loved folding paper kites, making obstacle courses, and building lean-tos. But she really didn’t like hugs.
$25.99In stock
In a Different Key: The Story of Autism
Author: John Donvan, Caren ZuckerPublishing Info: Hardcover 688 pages / January 2016Nearly seventy-five years ago, Donald Triplett of Forest, Mississippi, became the firstchild diagnosed with autism. Beginning with his family s odyssey, In a Different Key tells the extraordinary story of this often misunderstood condition, and of the civil rights battles waged by the families of those who have it. Unfolding over decades, it is a beautifully rendered history of ordinary people determined to secure a place in the world for those with autism by liberating children from dank institutions, campaigning for their right to go to school, challenging expert opinion on what it means to have autism, and persuading society to accept those who are different.
$39In stock
Je suis né un jour bleu
Author: Daniel TammetPublishing Info: Softcover 285 pages / 2007 juinCe témoignage est un voyage aux côtés d’un jeune homme aux capacités hors du commun. Comme le héros de Rain Man, Daniel Tammet est un autiste savant, un génie des nombres. Son cerveau lui permet d’effectuer des calculs mentaux faramineux…
$13.95In stock
Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph Over Autism
Author: Catherine MauricePublishing Info: Paperback 400 pages / July 1994In their struggle to save their daughter, the Maurices plunged into a medical nightmare of false hopes, “miracle cures,” and infuriating suggestions that Anne-Marie’s autism was somehow their fault, to finally be saved by intensive behavioral therapy.
$17In stock
Ma vie d’autiste
Author: Temple GrandinPublishing Info: Paperback 200 pages / 2000“J’avais six mois quand ma mère s’est rendu compte que je me raidissais dès qu’elle me prenait dans ses bras. Quelques semaines plus tard, alors qu’elle me câlinait, je la griffai, comme un animal pris au piège, pour échapper à son emprise.”
$19.95In stock
Painted Words: Aspects of Autism Translated
Author: Judy EndowPublishing Info: Paperback 216 pages / September 2013Working 13 years with students who are diagnosed with severe autism, my colleagues and I have often wanted to visualize and better understand what our students were seeing, feeling and thinking. Judy Endow’s Painted Words takes us on a picturesque journey into the mind of one autistic person through her vivid and breathtaking paintings and sculptures while also explaining in detailed description and poetry what she sees and, via sensory, how she experiences it.
$42.95In stock
Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger’s Syndrome – 2nd. Edition
Author: Liane Holliday Willey, Foreword by Tony AttwoodPublishing Info: Paperback 192 pages / 2014Updated edition of the bestselling story of a woman who, after years of self-doubt and self-denial, learned to embrace and appreciate her Asperger’s syndrome traits. Liane Holliday Willey shares, with insight and warmth, the daily struggles and challenges that face many of those who have AS and charts her inspirational journey to self-acceptance.
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Same But Different – Teen Life on the Autism Express
Author: Holly Robinson Peete, Ryan Elizabeth Peete, and RJ PeetePublishing Info: Hardcover 224 pages / February 2016Teenage authors Ryan Elizabeth Peete and her twin brother, Rodney, who has autism, share their experiences of what it means to be a teen living with autism.
$21.99 -
Sincerely, Your Autistic Child: What People on the Autism Spectrum Wish Their Parents Knew about Growing Up, Acceptance, and Identity
Author: Autistic Women and Nonbinary NetworkPublishing Info: Paperback 224 pages / March 30, 2021Most resources available for parents come from psychologists, educators, and doctors, offering parents a narrow and technical approach to autism. Sincerely, Your Autistic Child represents an authentic resource for parents written by autistic people themselves.
$22.95In stock
Spectrum Women – Walking to the Beat of Autism
Author: Edited by Barb Cook and Michelle GarnettPublishing Info: Paperback 336 pages / October 2018Barb Cook and 14 other autistic women describe life from a female autistic perspective, and present empowering, helpful and supportive insights from their personal experience for fellow autistic women. Michelle Garnett’s comments validate and expand the experiences described from a clinician’s perspective, and provide extensive recommendations.
$36.95 -
Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World
Author: Sy Montgomery and Temple GrandinPublishing Info: Paperback 160 pages / July 2014When Temple Grandin was born, her parents knew
$15.50In stock
Temple Grandin: The Stories I Tell My Friends
Author: Anita Lesko and Temple GrandinPublishing Info: Paperback 200 pages / April 2018In these pages, witness the moments that made her laugh (and cry!), meet those closest to her, and even take a glimpse into her seventieth birthday party and her recent visit to NASA! Discover Temple’s “big message” and her ideas about what makes the biggest difference for children with autism. Lesko has created a truly personal, unique look into the mind and life of Temple Grandin.
$26.95In stock
Temple Talks about Autism and Sensory Issues
Author: Temple GrandinPublishing Info: Paperback 132 pages / April 2015Have you even wanted to talk to Temple about the sensory issues people with autism, Asperger’s, PDD and Sensory Processing Disorder deal with? Here, in this handy reference book, Temple gives a overview of what it is like to have autism and sensory difficulties, tells how she overcame her sensory issues, gives useful tips, then answers your questions in an easy to reference Q&A.
$14.95In stock
Temple Talks About Autism and the Older Child
Author: Temple Grandin, Ph.D.Publishing Info: Paperback 128 pages / April 3, 2016Here, in this handy reference book, Temple gives an overview of what it is like to grow up and get a career with autism, tells how she overcame certain issues, gives useful tips, then answers your questions in an easy to reference Q&A
$13.95In stock
The Accidental Teacher: Life Lessons from My Silent Son
Author: Annie Lubliner LehmannPublishing Info: Paperback 184 pages/ 2009A child teaches without intending to… Having severe autism does not stop Annie Lehmann’s son Jonah from teaching her some of life’s most valuable lessons. “The Accidental Teacher”, a heartfelt memoir about self-discovery rather than illness, uses insight and humor to weave a tale rich with kitchen-table wisdom.
$19.95In stock