Books & Products tagged "thinksheets"title here
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Social Thinking and Me (Two Book Set)
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner, Linda K. MurphyPublishing Info: Paperback / 2016Tags: Social Emotional Learning, Social thinking, Social Thinking Vocabulary, thinksheets.Whether you’re new to Social Thinking or a veteran in using our materials, Social Thinking and Me is the perfect tool to introduce and teach core Social Thinking Vocabulary and concepts to older elementary school and middle school-age kids (ages 9-14). This two-book set breaks larger and more complicated social concepts down into smaller chunks to make it easier for adults to teach and easier for kids to learn.
$98.95 Product Details » -
Social Thinking® Thinksheets for Tweens and Teens: Learning to Read in Between the Social Lines
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Paperback 200 pages / 2014Tags: communication, social rules, Social thinking, thinksheets.Thinksheets for Tweens and Teens focuses on the social issues and challenges faced by pre-adolescents and adolescents and introduces social concepts and strategies that can help individuals navigate these tricky years. Social rules and expectations change with age; thinking and behavior that was appropriate in elementary school can quickly become inappropriate and unexpected as students move into middle and high school. We developed these thinksheets to help educators, therapists, and parents encourage more mature social thinking and related shifts in their students’ social skills.
$63.95 Product Details »