Self-Determination and Transition Planning - Autism Awareness
Self-Determination and Transition Planning

Self-Determination and Transition Planning

Author: Karrie A. Shogren
Publishing Info: Paperback 168 pages / 2013
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Self-determination has a powerful positive impact on post-school outcomes for young adults with disabilities—but how can educators teach students the skills they need to make their own choices and achieve their goals as they enter adulthood? This empowering guidebook shows the way. Packed with practical, research-validated guidance on explicitly teaching self-determination skills, this book helps educators support students in communicating their interests and needs, setting and reaching goals, and managing their own lives. Ready-to-use worksheets and activities will help students take an active role in their transition planning, and true case stories highlight the benefits of self-determination instruction: smoother transitions, improved behavior, and fulfilling lives beyond the classroom.

Discover how to:

  • Assess a student’s current level of self-determination
  • Teach essential skills that strengthen self-determination (see sidebar)
  • Embed individualized supports and instructional activities within a student’s existing education program
  • Create repeated opportunities for students to practice their self-determination skills
  • Collaborate effectively with students and families
  • Develop strong person-centered support teams with the student taking a lead role in transition planning
  • Build support for self-determination across entire schools and communities

Teach essential self-determination skills:

  • Expressing preferences
  • Making choices
  • Self-management skills
  • Goal setting and attainment
  • Self-advocacy skills
