Helping Students Take Control of Their Own Learning – 279 Learner-Centered, Social-Emotional Strategies for Teachers
What does learner-centered education look like, and how can we best put it into practice? This helpful book by experienced educators Don Mesibov and Dan Drmacich answers those questions and provides a wide variety of strategies, activities, and examples to help you with implementation. Chapters address topics such as positioning students at the center of the lesson and teachers as coaches, making tasks relevant and engaging, incorporating the affective domain and social-emotional learning, assessing learning, and more. Each of the 279 examples is described in step-by-step detail. You can use an activity as it is described in the book or you can adapt it to your own style and purposes as any good teacher or parent will do once they understand the essence of the activity.
Appropriate for new and experienced teachers of all grades and subjects, this book will leave you feeling ready to help students take control of their own learning so they can reach higher levels of success.
Except for those activities that require more than one or two people, these strategies can be used in the home with a child or children as easily as in the classroom.