You’re Going to Love This Kid – 3rd. Edition
One of the most popular, practical, and trusted books on inclusive education, this bestselling guide is now in a fully updated third edition—perfect for K–12 educators teaching the growing number of students on the autism spectrum. Created by Paula Kluth, a former teacher and celebrated inclusion expert who works with teachers and families nationwide, this book gives educators sensitive new ways to see autistic students and instantly useful strategies for teaching and welcoming them in general education classrooms.
Both pre- and in-service educators will find the up-to-date research and ready-to-use tips they need to make schools safe, accessible, and appropriately challenging for learners on the autism spectrum. Drawing on decades of experience, Paula Kluth offers a comprehensive, real-world guide to supporting autistic students—from big-picture guidance on the law, planning, and collaboration to the practical details of classroom arrangement, teaching strategies, and positive behavior supports. With a clear focus on the strengths, gifts, and perspectives of autistic learners, the book prominently features the voices of autistic people and their families and includes their valuable ideas and insights.
A professional resource and textbook that teachers will keep forever, this new edition of “You’re Going to Love this Kid!” is the ultimate guide to supporting autistic students and meeting each learner’s individual needs in the inclusive classroom.
- All chapters thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and recommended practices
- More insights from autistic people and their family members
- Engaging new features: learning objectives, bulleted organizers, and all-new discussion questions
- New and updated reproducible materials: includes 20 online forms, student worksheets, planning tools, activities, and checklists
- A new chapter co-author adding expert advice on making classrooms supportive for those with sensory needs
- Identity-first language that reflects the preferences of autistic people
- More graphics, photos, and artwork that illustrate and reinforce key points
- values and beliefs that support inclusive schooling
- definitions and characteristics of autism
- respectful partnerships with parents and caregivers
- classroom arrangement and sensory supports
- classroom community and social relationships
- communication tools and considerations
- effective literacy instruction
- respectful and effective responses to behavior
- lesson planning
- co-teaching and collaboration with team members
- federal laws related to special education