Zones STOP, OPT and GO Poster
With updated graphics and teaching, this durable, 18” x 24” STOP, OPT & GO poster supports the decision making that goes into Regulation while also addressing problem solving and group conflict resolution. First we pause (STOP) before we act, think about our OPTions and how they may work out, then use our GOal to decide on the best option.
This in-the-moment teaching tool is designed to help kids who struggle with impulse control and figuring out alternative solutions to conflicts. With space for kids to write and respond to questions or prompts at each stage, the poster guides learners through the STOP, OPT & GO process. It can also be used proactively to prepare learners to manage themselves when they encounter previously identified triggers. STOP, OPT & GO is a strategy that is taught as part of the Zones of Regulation curriculum.
The dry-erase surface makes this poster usable again and again (use only dry-erase markers). Perfect for the clinic, classroom, or home.
The design and concepts in this poster align with the latest evolution of the Zones of Regulation theory and framework as presented in the new book, Getting Into The Zones of Regulation™: The Complete Framework and Digital Curriculum Companion and taught in the new Digital Curriculum.