The Autism Job Club: The Neurodiverse Workforce in the New Normal of Employment - Autism Awareness
The Autism Job Club: The Neurodiverse Workforce in the New Normal of Employment

The Autism Job Club: The Neurodiverse Workforce in the New Normal of Employment

Author: Michael Bernick and Richard Holden
Publishing Info: Paperback 272 pages / February 2018
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The book has its basis in the autism job club that the authors have been part of in the San Francisco Bay Area, the job-creation and job-placement efforts the club has undertaken, and similar efforts throughout the United States.

The authors review the high unemployment rates among adults with autism and other neuro- diverse conditions more than two decades after the ADA. Bernick and Holden also outline and explain six strategies that, taken together, will reshape employment for adults with autism: the art of the autism job coach; the autism advantage in technology employment; autism employment and the internet economy; autism employment and the practical/craft economy; autism and extra-governmental job networks; autism and public service employment.

The Autism Job Club is a vital resource for adults with autism, their families, and advocates who are committed to neuro-diverse employment, not unemployment. But it also speaks to a far broader audience interested in how to carve out a place for themselves or others in an increasingly competitive job world.


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