Asperger Syndrome
What is Asperger’s? How is it different from Autism? Here are the best books we can find dealing with Asperger Syndrome which is now referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder.
PublishersShowing 41–60 of 76 results
Getting to Grips with Asperger Syndrome: Understanding Adults on the Autism Spectrum
The book explains what AS is and why certain behaviours frequently occur: such as anxiety, fear of change and unusual sensitivities. Once behaviours and reactions are understood, many of the apparent problems become less troublesome…
$36.95 -
Growing Up on the Spectrum: A Guide to Life, Love, and Learning for Teens and Young Adults with Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Addressing universal parental concerns, from first crushes, a changing body, and the challenges of being socially appropriate to how to succeed at college and beyond, this inspiring volume is the beacon of hope and wisdom that parents, therapists, and edu
$33.50In stock
Helping Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome Get & Stay Hired – Career Coaching Strategies for Professionals and Parents of Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Written for professionals and parents, this book offers employment strategies to support individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) into fulfilling and long-lasting careers. It provides a primer on how people with Asperger’s Syndrome think and teaches coaching techniques to help with jobhunting and workplace challenges
$34.95 -
How to Find Work that Works for People with Asperger Syndrome – The Ultimate Guide for Getting People with Asperger Syndrome into the Workplace (and keeping them there!)
For those who want to help somebody with Asperger Syndrome find and keep a satisfying job, this book is a vital tool.
$45.95In stock
Le syndrome d’Asperger
Pour certains jeunes, le monde est un endroit étrange et insondable où les gens ne disent pas ce qu’ils pensent ou ne pensent pas ce qu’ils disent, où les règles changent selon les personnes avec lesquelles on se trouve, et où il n’est jamais permis d’êtr
$19.95In stock
Le syndrome d’Asperger et l’autisme de haut niveau
Le syndrome d’Asperger (du nom du psychiatre autrichien qui en a décrit le premier la symptomatologie) constitue une variante «atténué» de l’autisme.
$47.95In stock
Le syndrome d’Asperger et la sexualité De la puberté à l’âge adulte
Bien qu’ils les expriment différemment, les personnes aux prises avec le syndrome d’Asperger montrent les mêmes intéréts et les mêmes besoins sexuels que la population en général.
$51.95 -
Le syndrome d’Asperger Guide complet
Tony Attwood, l’un des meilleurs spécialistes du Syndrome d’Asperger et de l’autisme de haut niveau, fait ici un état des lieux complet de ce syndrome encore mal connu. Le présent ouvrage constitue la synthèse exhaustive…
$71.95 -
Love and Asperger’s: Practical Strategies to Help Couples Understand Each Other and Strengthen Their Connection
Life with a partner whose neurotype is different than yours is filled with moments that are surprising, unique, and sometimes challenging. If one of you is on the Autism Spectrum and the other is neurotypical, this Asperger’s books is a helpful and inclusive guide to understanding the nature of your relationship and navigating its particular obstacles – while keeping your love for each other at the center of everything.
$20.95 -
Making Sense of Sex: A Forthright Guide to Puberty, Sex and Relationships for People with Asperger’s Syndrome
This book is ideal for those who need clear, detailed explanations and direct answers to the many questions raised by puberty and sexual maturity.
$35.95 -
Mental Health Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome
The first book to address the increasingly urgent need for information about psychiatric problems in people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), Mental Health Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome systematically explains the emotional and psychological difficulties that are often encountered with ASDs.
$44.95In stock
Mindful Living with Asperger’s Syndrome – Everyday Mindfulness Practices to Help You Tune in to the Present Moment
Whether due to anxiety or the comfort of routine, people with Asperger’s Syndrome often find that they go through life on autopilot. This book provides advice and step-by-step exercises for adopting a mindful way of living to overcome difficulties and become more present in the moment. Exercises include breathing, yoga stretches and meditations.
$26.95 -
Parenting a Child with Asperger Syndrome – 200 Tips and Strategies
Brenda is mother to thirteen-year-old Kenneth, author of Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything, and since his diagnosis at the age of eight she has gathered together the parenting ideas and tips that have had a positive effect on Kenneth’s life.
$28.95In stock
Slug Days
Seeing the world very differently because of her Asperger syndrome, young Lauren struggles to navigate the challenges of school life and masters tricks to stay calm, understand others’ feelings, and let her personality shine.
$17.95 -
Successful School Change and Transition for the Child with Asperger Syndrome
Moving to a new school can be a daunting prospect for the child with Asperger syndrome, and parents are often left feeling powerless to help prevent the anxiety and loss of confidence which may ensue.
$45.95In stock