Anger, anxiety and stress can be the root cause of behaviour of concern. These are some of our favourite resources offering practical help for supporting individuals who have behaviour of concern.
PublishersShowing 1–20 of 127 results
A Practical Guide to Mental Health Problems in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder – It’s not just their autism!
Exploring the relationship between ASD and mental health difficulties, this book offers practical guidance to help parents and professionals recognize and handle co-morbid conditions, and dispels the myth that they are just a part of autism.
$41.95 -
A Smart Girl’s Guide: Worry: How to Feel Less Stressed and Have More Fun
In these pages, a girl can learn tried-and-true ways to overcome fears and create a sense of calm. She can take quizzes to discover more about herself and her concerns, and read advice from real girls who found ways to deal with their own worries.
$18.99In stock
A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism
This book offers comprehensive insights into the entire spectrum of behavior challenges of a person with autism/PDD as well as answers to improve those behaviors.
$55.95 -
A Work in Progress: Behavior Management Strategies & A Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment
Parents of newly diagnosed children and professionals looking for a concrete curriculum will find this book to be an invaluable resource.
$61.95In stock
Addressing the Challenging Behavior of Children with High Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
How do teachers and parents of children with autism address a child’s social skills? And what do they do about problem behaviors?
$49.95 -
Addressing the Unproductive Classroom Behaviours of Students with Special Needs
Certain classroom behaviours can signify an underlying learning disability. This book will help you recognise potential indicators of Asperger Syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, AD/HD, physical disabilities and speech and language disorders…
$60 -
Anxiety Management for Kids on the Autism Spectrum: Your Guide to Preventing Meltdowns and Unlocking Potential
The anxiety levels commonly found in children with autism affect social skills, memory, learning, and attention span—and often lead to meltdowns. Those who live or work with kids on the spectrum are acutely aware of how disruptive anxiety can be. However, we are rarely provided with clear guidance on how to manage this anxiety. This book bridges that gap.
$23.95 -
Assessing Behaviors Regarded as Problematic for People with Developmental Disabilities
The author offers practical strategies for gathering and analyzing information about behaviors, in partnership with the individual concerned, in order to gain a useful understanding of why a particular behavior occurs. Case histories, with corresponding behavior plans, clearly demonstrate the real-life application of assessment methods.
$48.95In stock
Attacking Anxiety – A Step-by-Step Guide to an Engaging Approach to Treating Anxiety and Phobias in Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
This book presents an enjoyable, simple model for tackling anxiety in children and teens with ASD, by building up tolerance to anxiety triggers, decreasing meltdowns and eliminating anxiety responses to fears and phobia. It covers common scenarios which can be adapted to suit the needs of each individual child or teen
$33.95 -
Autism and Depression – A Workbook for Adolescents and Adults
Autism and depression are very commonly diagnosed together in young adults. This book is for them.
$20.95 -
Autism and Difficult Moments, 25th Anniversary Edition: Practical Solutions for Reducing Meltdowns
A highly practical and user-friendly resource, Autism and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Meltdowns, Revised Edition describes the three-stage cycle of a meltdown and identifies effective, evidence-based strategies to use at each stage. In addition, the book outlines how to prevent the occurrence of meltdowns through instruction, interpretation, and coaching.
$27.95 -
Autism and the Stress Effect
Practical interventions to reduce stress and anxiety and improve the wellbeing and development of children on the autism spectrum. Focusing on how to regulate the environment, nutrition, emotional self, and energy, the step-by-step approach includes exercises, recipes and a wealth of expert advice.
$32.95 -
Autism Spectrum Disorder and De-escalation Strategies
Discussing a variety of de-escalation and behaviour management strategies, this book offers practical guidance on using non-physical and physical interventions to support children (aged 3-18) on the autism spectrum or with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties, and to keep them and others safe.
$41.95 -
Beating Anxiety – What Young People on the Autism Spectrum Need to Know
With beautiful illustrations, this practical guide clearly explains why young people on the spectrum feel anxious, before giving real-world advice on how to deal with and beat anxiety. It offers numerous strategies for overcoming anxiety and comes in a style designed specifically for young people with ASD.