Showing 121–140 of 163 results
The Hidden Curriculum and Other Everyday Challenges for Elementary-Age Children With High-Functioning Autism
Author: Haley Morgan Myles and Annelise KolarPublishing Info: Paperback 68 pages / 2013Young authors Haley Myles and Annellise Kolar give simple, no-nonsense advice on how to handle everyday occurrences that can be challenging for children on the autism spectrum. This reader-friendly book provides social rules that help children with peer relationships, school and everyday activities.
$26.50Out of stock
The Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job: Navigating the Social Landscape of Employment
Author: Brenda Smith Myles. Judy Endow, Malcolm MayfieldPublishing Info: Paperback / November 2012When teenagers or adults with autism spectrum disorders are ready to enter the working world, they may find themselves confused by all the new unwritten rules. How do they learn to make eye contact during interviews or keep small talk confined to the break room?
$33.50In stock
The Hidden Curriculum, 25th Anniversary Edition: Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations
Author: Brenda Smith Myles, Melissa Trautman, and Ronda SchelvanPublishing Info: Paperback 168 pages / March 2024The world around us is a complicated place filled with expectations, rules, assumptions, guidelines, regulations, and policies. This “hidden curriculum” exists across environments, places, people and cultures. Although rules and mandates, in themselves, can be complex, most of us take comfort in them—often unconsciously—because they help us to know what to do in most everyday situations. Most of us like rules if they are consistent. It is when they are unclear, or are unstated that we can become upset, indignant, or confused. Some people seem to learn the hidden curriculum and its impact almost automatically. Others learn the hidden curriculum only by direct instruction. That is the purpose of this book.
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The Incredible 5-Point Scale – Assisting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling Their Emotional Responses. 2nd. Edition – Revised
Author: Kari Dunn Buron, Mitzi CurtisPublishing Info: Paperback 118 pages/ December 2021This much-awaited, second edition of the wildly popular Incredible 5-Point Scale is, as the title suggests, “significantly improved and expanded.” Using the same practical and user-friendly format as the first edition, Buron and Curtis let readers benefit from work done with the scales over the past 10 years, to result in refinements to the original scales, now considered “classics” in homes and classrooms across the country and abroad, as well as lots of new scales specifically designed for two groups of individuals: young children and those with more classic presentations of autism, including expanded use of the Anxiety Curve.
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The New Social Story Book, Updated 15th Anniversary Edition
Author: Carol GrayPublishing Info: Paperback with CD ROM 480 pages/ November 2015Since the early 90s, Carol Gray’s world-famous Social Stories have helped thousands of children with autism spectrum disorders. This 15th Anniversary Edition of her best-selling book offers ready-to-use stories that parents and educators have depended on for years.
$59.95In stock
The PEERS® Curriculum for School-Based Professionals: Social Skills Training for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Author: Elizabeth A. LaugesonPublishing Info: Paperback 464 pages / 2014This sixteen-week program, clinically proven to significantly improve social skills and social interactions among teens with autism spectrum disorder, is now customized for the needs of psychologists, counselors, speech pathologists, administrators, and teachers. The manual is broken down into clearly divided lesson plans, each of which have concrete rules and steps, corresponding homework assignments, plans for review, and unique, fun activities to ensure that teens are comfortable incorporating what they’ve learned.
$102.95In stock
The Power of Thought on Feelings
Author: Amy Kahofer and Jack PranksyPublishing Info: Paperback 42 pages / August 2021The wonderfully illustrated and engaging book introduces young readers to the abstract concept of thoughts and how our thoughts are linked to feelings. By helping children explore metacognitively how our thoughts create our feelings, we also learn to make choices that help us to manage our feelings (e.g., self-regulate based on our personal goals) across different situations in a day.
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The Science of Making Friends: Helping Socially Challenged Teens and Young Adults
Author: Elizabeth LaugesonPublishing Info: Paperback 384 pages and DVD / September 2013This book is based on UCLA’s acclaimed PEERS program, the only research-based approach in the world to helping adolescents and young adults with autism make and keep friends. This step-by-step guide helps parents, educators, and others to provide “social coaching” to teens and young adults on the spectrum.
$36 -
The Secret Rules of Social Networking
Author: Barbara Klipper and Rhonda Shapiro-RieserPublishing Info: Paperback / April 2015The one-of-a-kind resource outlines the unstated rules that guide relationships overall. The book also demonstrates how one can carry these relationships into an online environment.
$29.95In stock
The Social Compass Curriculum – A Story-Based Intervention Package for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Author: LouAnne E. Boyd, Christina L. McReynolds, Karen Chanin M.S., PPSPublishing Info: Paperback 192 pages / 2013Ideal for Grades 4-8 but easily adaptable for use with older children, this social skills intervention curriculum gives educators 24 lessons that help students with autism make progress in areas critical to social success.
$88.95In stock
The Social Skills Picture Book for High School and Beyond
Author: Jed BakerPublishing Info: Paperback 250 pages / November 2006In 2001, Dr. Baker wrote The Social Skills Picture Book, designed for young children with social communication challenges. Now, in response to the deluge of requests from parents with children in their teens, here is Dr. Baker’s long-awaited book…
$55.95In stock
The Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching Communication, Play and Emotion
Author: Jed E. BakerPublishing Info: Paperback 197 pages/ May 2003A dynamic teaching tool for children with autism or Asperger’s Syndrome, “The Social Skills Picture Book” offers pictures of the right and wrong ways to handle nearly 30 social skills, such as conversation, play, emotion, management, and empathy.
$55.95In stock
The Social Success Workbook for Teens
Author: Barbara Cooper and Nancy WiddowsPublishing Info: Paperback 132 pages / May 2008Making friends is a skill like any other-there are rules to follow, ways to measure your progress, and reasons why some people are better at it than others. Although it may seem like this skill comes naturally to those who don’t have Asperger’s disorder, nonverbal learning disorder (NLD), or other problems relating to others, the reality is that even the most popular people must constantly hone their abilities in order to make new friends and keep the friends they already have.
$28.95In stock
The Social-Emotional Learning Toolbox – Practical Strategies to Support All Students
Author: Kathy PerezPublishing Info: Paperback 240 pages / 2022Strong social-emotional skills help students succeed in the classroom and beyond—but many teachers report that they lack the tools and time to effectively support social-emotional learning (SEL). Help is here with The Social-Emotional Learning Toolbox, a practical guide that shows K-5 teachers how to infuse their existing curriculum and routines with high-quality, evidence-based SEL instruction.
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The Survival Guide for Making and Being Friends
Author: James F. CristPublishing Info: Paperback 128 pages / 2014Whether kids find socializing as natural as smiling or as hard as learning a foreign language, this book can help them improve their social skills so they can better enjoy the benefits of friendship.
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The Whole Spectrum of Social, Motor and Sensory Games: Using Every Child’s Natural Love of Play to Enhance Key Skills and Promote Inclusion
Author: Barbara SherPublishing Info: Paperback 304 pages / July 2013Play is increasingly recognized by neuroscientists and educators as a vital component in brain development, academic success and learning social skills. In this inspiring and useful resource, Barbara Sher provides step-by-step directions for how to use children’s natural interests at different stages of their development to help them develop a wealth of sensory motor and social skills. All the games have also been designed to provide plenty of joyful opportunities for encouraging inclusion.
$19.95In stock
The Zones of Regulation
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: Paperback 186 pages with USB Stick / 2011“The Zones of Regulation” is a curriculum geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities. Using a cognitive behavior approach, the curriculum’s learning activities are designed to help students recognize when they are in different states called “zones,” with each of four zones represented by a different color.
$84.95In stock
Think Social: A Social Thinking Curriculum for School-Aged Students – Revised Edition
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Soft Cover 338 pages / January 2006A social thinking curriculum to guide therapists, educators and parents who are exploring how to introduce social thinking to their students in a more structured and thought out progression.
$129.95In stock
Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Edition
Publishing Info: Boxed Card Game / April 2014Imagine the fun possibilities with this visual teaching tool designed for ultimate flexibility and creativity in teaching and bolstering learning of the Superflex® curriculum and Social Thinking® concepts. These plastic-coated decks include 52 cards each with multiples of the updated UnthinkaBots (formerly Unthinkables), Thinkables, Social Detective, and Superflex characters with their images, names, and powers.
$36.95In stock
Thinking About YOU Thinking About ME, 2nd. Edition
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Soft Cover 340 pages / August 2007Perspective Taking is crucial to the development of advanced social thinking and related skills.
$77.95In stock