Books & Products tagged "Social Skills"title here
Showing 1–20 of 48 results
1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism, Revised Edition
Author: Ellen Notbohm and Veronica ZyskPublishing Info: Paperback 219 pages / February 2010Tags: behavior, communication, self-care, sensory, Social Skills, special needs strategies.Winner of a Silver medal in the Independent Publishers Book Awards and Learning Magazine’s Teachers Choice Award, 1001 Great Ideas has been a treasured resource in the autism community since 2004. In this expanded second edition, Ellen Notbohm (best-selling author of the revolutionary book Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew) and Veronica Zysk (award-winning author and former editor of Autism Asperger’s Digest magazine) present parents and educators with over 1800 ideas try-it-now tips, eye-opening advice, and grassroots strategies.
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A 5 Is Against the Law: Social Boundaries – a Compassionate but Honest Guide for Teens and Young Adults
Author: Kari Dunn BuronPublishing Info: Paperback 52 pages / February 2022Tags: 5 point scale, anxiety, behavior, Social Skills.Kari Dunn Buron has done it again. Building on her popular 5-Point Scale, A 5 Is Against the Law! takes a narrower look at challenging behavior with a particular focus on behaviors that can spell trouble for adolescents and young adults who have difficult
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A Guide to Writing Social Stories – Step-by-Step Guidelines for Parents and Professionals
Author: Chris Williams and Barry WrightPublishing Info: Paperback 144 pages / October 2016Tags: Social Skills, Social Stories, writing social stories.Created with the input of parents and professionals, this step-by-step guide shows exactly how to create effective Social Stories™ for children with an autism spectrum disorder. This book shows how to go from using ready-made stories to writing tailored stories that will improve social understanding, following Carol Gray’s popular guidelines.
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A Smart Girl’s Guide to Manners: The Secrets to Grace, Confidence, and Being Your Best
Learning good manners has never been more fun than with this book filled with full-color illustrations and quizzes.
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Act It Out – Social Skills for Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Disorders
Author: Jeannie Stefonek, M. EdPublishing Info: Paperback 232 pages / August 2016Tags: acting, guided practice, scripting, Social Skills.This innovative social skills curriculum addresses teens’ need to effectively use social skills across settings through motivating scripts, skits, and guided practice. The curriculum is designed for the busy teacher who wants to have fun, constructive lessons, giving students unique opportunities to show their acting skills and experience emotional responses in controlled environments.
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Acting Antics: A Theatrical Approach to Teaching Social Understanding to Kids and Teens with Asperger Syndrome
Author: Cindy B. SchneiderPublishing Info: Paperback 192 pages / 2006Tags: acting, drama, Social Skills, social understanding.This fun and inspiring step-by-step program provides the full set of tools for developing social understanding in children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) through drama.
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Autism Abracadabra – Seven Magic Ingredients to Help Develop Your Child’s Interactive Attention Span
Author: Kate C. WildePublishing Info: Paperback 240 pages / May 2022Tags: building relationships, interests, Social Skills, social skills games.Designed around common special interests enjoyed by autistic people, this book includes over 180 activities for families to do together to help strengthen relationships and develop social skills. Kate shows how seven magic ingredients for optimal game-playing can be applied to a range of themes, from trains and planes to household appliances, the human body to animals and insects, TV and film characters, and what’s more, how you can introduce your loved one’s favorite topics.
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Bringing ABA to Home, School, and Play for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Disabilities
Author: Debra LeachPublishing Info: Paperback 200 pages / January 2012Tags: ABA, communication, Social Skills.Ideal for use with children birth to five, this practical, reader-friendly guidebook is the first to combine ABA with natural environment intervention, the widely used, research-supported approach to meeting the needs of children with disabilities.
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Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration: Therapy for Children with Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders – 3rd. Edition
Author: Ellen Yack, Paula Aquilla, Shirley SuttonPublishing Info: Paperback Edition 312 pages / June 2015Tags: behavior, Occupational Therapy, sensory diet, sensory integration, Social Skills.Written by three experienced occupational therapists, this book offers a combination of theory and strategies. It is a perfect tool for those working with young children, but also broad enough to be adapted for older children and adults.
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Everyday Activities to Help Your Young Child with Autism Live Life to the Full
Author: Debra S. Jacobs and Dion E. BettsPublishing Info: Paperback 144 pages / 2011Tags: early intervention, play skills, Social Skills.This book is brimming with simple ideas, activities and exercises to address these daily challenges that young children with autism face. Easy to carry out and to fit into your routines, they will help improve a child’s sense of body awareness, coordination and motor skills, and address key tasks such as eating meals and healthy sleep.
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Evidence Based Practices for Teaching Social Skills
Tags: evidence based asd practices, PEERspective Model, Social Skills, social skills curriculum, teaching social skills, video modeling.Featuring Jennifer M. Schmidt and Megan R. Barrett
There are 27 Evidence Based Practices for students with autism (NCAEP, 2020) and many of these EBP’s are highly effective when teaching social skills to students on the spectrum. Through this webinar you will learn about the 7 EBP’s consistently used in the PEERspective Model. This model was created by Jennifer more than 15 years ago and many districts have adopted it with similar success. Learn about how to implement your own PEERspective Model and/or how to use EBP’s in your setting to successfully teach social skills to students with autism.
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How Rude! The Teenagers’ Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior, and Not Grossing People Out- Revised and Updated Edition
Author: Alex Packer, Jeff Tolbert (Illustrator)Publishing Info: Paperback 480 pages / June 2014Tags: etiquette, etiquette encyclopedia, manners, online etiquette, polite behavior, Social Skills.Explaining etiquette from A (“Applause”) to Z (“Zits”), Alex J.Packer blends outrageous humor with sound advice as he guides readers and explains why manners and etiquette are important – because people who know how to handle themselves in social situations come out on top, get what they want, feel good about themselves, and enjoy life to the fullest.
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How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or Asperger’s
Author: Jennifer McIlwee MyersPublishing Info: Paperback 314 pages / October 2010Tags: Life Skills, manners, Social Skills.In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional. No matter how high-functioning children with autism or Asperger’s may be or may become, they function better as adults if they’ve had the chance to learn basic skills such as being on time or good personal hygiene. Many reach adulthood without those skills.
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I Can’t Believe You Said That – Activity Guide for Teachers: Classroom Ideas for Teaching Students to Use Their Social Filters
Author: Julia CookPublishing Info: Paperback 32 pages / February 2015Tags: social filter, Social Skills.It’s confusing for children to understand why we tell them to be honest or to speak up in one setting, then tell them to keep their thoughts to themselves in another. Author Julia Cook worked with expert Jill Kuzma to identify more than 20 activities designed to help students visualize what a social filter is, and then practice using their social filters in a safe setting. Reproducible activity sheets included on the enclosed CD.
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Learning the Hidden Curriculum: The Odyssey of One Autistic Adult
Author: Judy EndowPublishing Info: Paperback 250 pages / February 2012Tags: hidden curriculum, Social Skills.Drawing from her personal experiences, Judy Endow, author of the 2010 and 2011 Hidden Curriculum Calendars, provides lots of hidden curriculum items that pertain to most areas of adult life. In relating how she personally has learned to more successfully maneuver social interactions, she also presents a framework for developing the ability to more quickly assess a situation and take steps to avoid making social blunders BEFORE they have been committed.
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Liam Says “Hi”: Learning to Greet a Friend
Author: Jane Whelan BanksPublishing Info: Hardcover 32 pages / December 2008Tags: friendship skills, greetings, saying hi, Social Skills.Introductions can be awkward for many children. For some, however, making eye contact, and acknowledging another person by simply saying ‘hi’ can be a constant challenge.
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Lights! Camera! Autism! 2: Using Video Technology to Support New Behavior
Author: Kate McGinnity, Sharon Hammer, Lisa LadsonPublishing Info: Paperback 68 pages / June 2013Tags: predictability and autism, Social Skills, video self-modeling.There is something powerful that happens when the brain gets to watch the body doing something right. The learning sinks in. New behavior sets up with speed. McGinnity, Hammer and Ladson provide concrete examples for helping people ‘see’ better ways to behave by showing us concretely how to improve our instruction.
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Manners Matter! (Temple Talks to Kids)
Author: Veronica ZyskPublishing Info: Paperback 42 pages / May 2018Tags: manners, Social Skills, Temple Grandin.This first book in the Temple Talks to Kids series focuses on manners and social niceties… what Temple considers to be the key that unlocks doors to social interaction, social acceptance, and social opportunities across our lives.
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Navigating the Social World
Author: Jeanette McAfeePublishing Info: Paperback 375 pages/ October 2001Tags: anxiety, behavior, emotions, Social Skills, stress.Pediatrician Jeanie McAfee originally created this user-friendly social curriculum for her daughter Rachel, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s at age ten. Since then, it has become a staple for parents and educators.
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Our Brains Are Like Computers! Exploring Social Skills and Social Cause and Effect with Children on the Autism Spectrum
Author: Joel ShaulPublishing Info: Paperback 80 pages / January 2016Tags: Social behavior, social communication, Social Skills.In what ways do people think about other people? Just like computers save and share files, people save and share their memories of one another. This highly visual picture book uses computer metaphors to explain to children on the autism spectrum how their actions and words can affect other people.
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