Developing Leisure Time Skills for Persons with Autism (Revised & Expanded)
Phyllis Coyne, Mary Lou Klagge, and Colleen Nyberg
Publishing Info:
Paperback 288 pages / April 2016
Tags: expanding interests, free time, lesiure skills, structured strategies.
– Make leisure time fun for all children and adults with autism spectrum disorders.
– Leisure time should be a part of the day that all look forward to enjoying. For many, it can cause anxiety and fear.
This book provides comprehensive, structured strategies introducing meaningful leisure time to ASD children and adults, which they can practice at home, school, and in the community. This book has a wealth of ASD information, including forms and charts that will help to assess sensory needs; select age-appropriate activities and assist in determining the level of interest in specific activities; 48 “Activity Cards” for going to the park, playing games, and many more!
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