Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Autism, 3rd. Edition - Autism Awareness

Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Autism, 3rd. Edition

Author: Temple Grandin and Kate Duffy
Publishing Info: Paperback 300 pages / April 2024
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Who knows better about developing the talents of those with autism than Temple Grandin? This updated and expanded third edition of Developing Talents considers the continuing dismal employment statistics for individuals with autism. The authors take an in-depth look at entrepreneurship and many other options.

Using real-life examples, Grandin and Duffy note that many of the unique characteristics of individuals on the autism spectrum lend themselves well to entrepreneurial ventures. The book explores many unnoticed aspects of vocational rehabilitation programs that provide job training and placement for people with disabilities, as well as Social Security Administration programs that offer vocational assistance. Employment figures and prospects have been updated, and new jobs have been added that are well suited for those on the spectrum.

