meltdowns Archives - Autism Awareness

Autism News Tagged "meltdowns"

What is restraint collapse?

Restraint collapse, a phenomenon that is becoming more recognized in the neurodivergent community, happens when individuals who have been concealing or suppressing their neurodivergent characteristics for an extended period of time suddenly experience a significant breakdown in their ability to regulate emotions and cope with stressors.  It may present as emotional outbursts, shutdowns, meltdowns, withdrawing, or physical symptoms like fatigue…

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Tantrums in Autism: new study says it’s behaviour not frustration

We’ve all been there: watching as our child completely breaks into uncontrollable rage/tears in front of us. Sometimes it’s in the privacy of our own homes, but when you have a child with autism, more often than not it will be in public as well. Up until recently, there has been a common misconception that poor communication/low verbal skills in people with…

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Free From Restraints: Gentle Ways To Help an Autistic Child Manage Meltdowns

As parents and supporters of autistic children, we are often put in situations where our children are being physically restrained during meltdowns. Whether it is in a school situation or at home, restraints and holds have been the norm for many years for individuals on the spectrum. What I love about the Low Arousal Approach is that it offers a…

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Tantrum vs Autistic Meltdown: What Is The Difference?

Many parents and caregivers have witnessed the fireworks of anger and emotion from a person with autism, and for many people they look exactly like the tantrums that children have when they are young. While they may look similar in external behaviour, it’s important to understand the difference between the two because tantrums need one kind of response, but that same response will only make things worse for a person have an autistic meltdown from being overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.

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