Autistic Kids and Cameras: A Good Combination
Verbal communication can be an area of difficulty for people with autism. Using a camera can be an alternate way of communicating and most children love to use them. Looking at what they take pictures of, angles, colours, and details can give you a peek into how the person with autism sees the world. We put our daughter in a photography course and she excelled. Shy and socially withdrawn, her pictures told a story that she could never tell with words. Using her own camera gave her a sense of control and competancy. There are no right or wrong photos and a complex set of skills are not required in order to take pictures. Cameras are relatively inexpensive and photos are easy to download.
If you are wanting to buy a camera for a child with autism, but don’t know what you should take into consideration, have a look at this article from the Autism Daily Newscast.
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