Sexuality and Hygiene
Puberty is a challenging time for everyone, but it can be even more complicated to navigate body changes, sexuality and adult hygiene when you have Autism. This is a collection of our favourite books with tips, teaching curriculums, programs, and shared stories on the subject of puberty, sexuality and hygiene.
PublishersShowing 1–20 of 36 results
101 Tips for the Parents of Boys with Autism
In 101 Tips for the Parents of Boys with Autism you will learn about navigating puberty with your son including issues such as personal hygiene, inappropriate touching, and sex. Parents of boys with autism contend with many unique problems due to increases in size, strength, and aggression as the boy ages.
$22.99 -
Asperger’s Syndrome and Sexuality- From Adolescence through Adulthood
Playing the dating game is often tricky: all the more so for individuals with Asperger Syndrome. How do AS adolescents and their families cope with sexual feelings and behaviour?
$48.95 -
Autism and Appropriate Touch – A Photocopiable Resource for Helping Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum Understand the Complexities of Physical Interaction
Children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder can find the complicated social rules around touch very difficult, and this can leave them vulnerable. This educational resource provides ready-to-use lessons with photocopiable worksheets to teach about appropriate touch and social boundaries in family, educational, and community settings.
$49.95 -
Autism-Asperger’s & Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond
Written by two adults diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, this ground-breaking, personal look at the sexual challenges of those diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s includes advice on dating, sex, birth control, disease prevention, abuse, and personal grooming and more.
$27.95 -
Ellie Needs to Go – A book about how to use public toilets safely for girls and young women with autism and related conditions
In this picture book, we join Ellie as she is out and about and needs to use a public toilet. It provides parents and carers with the opportunity to teach girls and young women with autism and other special needs how to use public toilets safely and to understand the social etiquette.
$24.95 -
Hygiene… You Stink!
In this ingenious tale, young readers are sure to get the message that good hygiene will improve their health and their relationships! The story centers around a fork named Jean who hates taking baths in the sink and detests showering in the dishwasher. It’s a clever fable with a timeless message.
$16.95 -
It’s Perfectly Normal – Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, Gender, and Sexual Health
With more than 1.5 million copies in print, It’s Perfectly Normal has been a trusted resource on sexuality for more than twenty-five years. Rigorously vetted by experts, this is the most ambitiously updated edition yet, featuring to-the-minute information and language accompanied by new and refreshed art.
$19.99 -
Le syndrome d’Asperger et la sexualité De la puberté à l’âge adulte
Bien qu’ils les expriment différemment, les personnes aux prises avec le syndrome d’Asperger montrent les mêmes intéréts et les mêmes besoins sexuels que la population en général.
$51.95 -
Making Sense of Sex: A Forthright Guide to Puberty, Sex and Relationships for People with Asperger’s Syndrome
This book is ideal for those who need clear, detailed explanations and direct answers to the many questions raised by puberty and sexual maturity.
$35.95 -
Masturbation, Autism and Learning Disabilities – A Guide for Parents and Professionals
This frank and thorough guide looks at societal, cultural and religious views of masturbation, how teens develop into sexual beings, the right to be sexual, how to masturbate, appropriate public and private behaviour, professional responsibilities and boundaries, and legal aspects of this topic.
$37.95In stock
Personal Hygiene? What’s that Got to Do with Me?
A curriculum developed for students with autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, learning and developmental disabilities, designed to help them understand how others perceive their appearance and the social implications of neglecting personal hygiene.
$33.95 -
Ready, Set, Potty! Toilet Training for Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders
Potty training a child with developmental disorders can be a real challenge, and sometimes the extra difficulties make you feel as though you’ve tried everything, and failed. In this book, Brenda Batts shows how you can overcome problems, big and small, and provides tried and tested methods that really work, tailored to each individual child.
$31.95 -
Sexuality and Relationship Education for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Professional’s Guide to Understanding, Preventing Issues, Supporting Sexuality and Responding to Inappropriate Behaviours
Children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) require specialized teaching strategies when learning about puberty, sexuality and relationships. This professional resource offers practical teaching advice geared towards the needs of young people on the autism spectrum.
$60 -
Sexuality and Relationships E-Book
Sexuality is always a difficult topic to think about and discuss, especially for parents. It’s hard to see your child as a sexual being. Sometimes people believe that if a person has an autism diagnosis, they won’t have sexual feelings or want a relationship. This simply isn’t true. Biological urges, body changes, and sexual feelings will happen so it’s important to address these in a sensitive and supportive way.
$3.90 -
Sexuality and Severe Autism: A Practical Guide for Parents, Caregivers and Health Educators
Sexual health and sexuality can be difficult subjects for parents and caregivers to broach with autistic children, made more challenging when children are at the severe end of the autism spectrum. Some parents may even question the validity of teaching sexuality to those who are severely autistic.
$41.95 -
Taking Care of Myself: A Hygiene, Puberty and Personal Curriculum for Young People with Autism
An experienced, certified teacher and speech-language pathologist has written this book to provide the necessary information on skills students need to live safe, healthy lives.