Other Disabilities
Often children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder are challenged by other disorders and disabilities, or special needs. This is a comprehensive list of resources on Dyspraxia, ADHD, Dyslexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourette’s, learning difficulties and more. Scroll down to see the entire list, or choose a category below.
- Additional Topics:
- Tourette Syndrome
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia
- Nonverbal Learning Disability
- Learning Difficulties/ Gifted
Showing 101–120 of 212 results
Overcoming Anxiety in Children and Teens
Author Jed Baker describes motivational techniques, cognitive behavioral strategies, exercises, relaxation and mindfulness guides to lower anxiety to the point where individuals can begin to confront their fears . The book covers: simple phobias, social phobia, selective mutism, separation anxiety and school refusal, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, somatic symptom disorder and/or illness anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, perfectionism, and other common fears.
$20.95In stock
Parenting Dual Exceptional Children
This is the first comprehensive guide for parents of children with Dual and Multiple Exceptionality (DME, sometimes called Twice Exceptionality or 2E). Children with high learning potential may also have conditions such as ASD, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia, having ‘flashes of brilliance’ in some areas whilst needing additional support in others.
$42.95 -
Payton Is Afraid of Dirt
Payton is afraid of dirt. He’s afraid of germs and getting sick, and spends a lot of his time cleaning and worrying over his fears.
$17.95In stock
Picture Inclusion! Snapshots of Successful Diverse Classrooms
Picture one guidebook that gives you the fundamentals of inclusion, proven practices for teaching everyone, and dozens of student profiles and sample lesson plans. That’s what you’ll get in Picture Inclusion!, your ultimate theory-to-practice guide to teaching every learner in a diverse inclusive classroom.
$59.95In stock
Planning for the Success of Students with IEPs – A Systematic, Supports-Based Approach
In this comprehensive handbook from The Norton Series on Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities, James R. Thompson synthesizes the work of a team of experts to provide a roadmap for that problem-solving process.
$49.95In stock
Planning the Transition to Employment
A must for transition coordinators, special educators, and employment specialists, this book embraces the widely used “Employment First” approach to career planning, which emphasizes integrated, competitive employment as the first and preferred option for all people, regardless of their disability.
$45.95In stock
Raising Kids With Sensory Processing Disorders – A Week-by-Week Guide to Helping Your Out-of-Sync Child With Sensory and Self-Regulation Issues
Taking a look at the most common sensory issues kids face, Raising Kids With Sensory Processing Disorders offers a compilation of unique, proven strategies that parents can implement to help their children move beyond their sensory needs.
$25.95In stock
School Shadow Guidelines
Your child may find it difficult to adapt to new surroundings and learning environments from time to time. School Shadow Guidelines helps guide your child to develop appropriate behaviors in school, establish an environment that helps to strengthen academic ability, and also build up on his/her social interaction skills with the goal of independence.
$20.95In stock
Self-Determination and Transition Planning
Self-determination has a powerful positive impact on post-school outcomes for young adults with disabilities—but how can educators teach students the skills they need to make their own choices and achieve their goals as they enter adulthood? This empowering guidebook shows the way
$41.95 -
Self-Esteem Games: 300 Fun Activities That Make Children Feel Good about Themselves
The key ingredient in children’s development, emotionally, socially, and intellectually, is a strong sense of their own self-worth. The 300 games and activities in this fun book will give them just that.
$20In stock
Sensorimotor Interventions: Using Movement to Improve Overall Body Function
This book provides education about using movement to improve overall function, including instruction and pictures for fun-based movement activities. A “menu” of activities for therapists is easily accessible by thumbing through the book; by organizing and categorizing activities by target area, therapists will enjoy choosing fun and easily duplicated therapeutic games.
$20.95 -
Sensory Parenting for Sensory Children
Helping parents and carers to reflect on themselves, think about how they manage sensory meltdowns and give them some simple ideas on how to manage their own emotions in order to help their child, this is a short and simple guide for those that parent or care for a child with sensory needs, or a sensory processing disorder (SPD). Drawing on Porges’ polyvagal theory, and using easy-to-follow animal analogies, this will empower parents to build empathy for their child, and themselves.
$29.95 -
Sensory Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers – Easy Projects to Develop Fine Motor Skills, Hand-Eye Coordination, and Early Measurement Concepts
Sensory Play for Toddlers and Preschoolers is a practical, hands-on guide for parents and educators who want to inject more play into their children’s day! Since this collection features simple sensory play ideas with items you already have in your home, playtime has never been easier.
$19.99 -
Simple Low-Cost Games and Activities for Sensorimotor Learning
This practical sourcebook is packed full of fun, low-cost games and activities that encourage the development of motor skills, coordination and sensory tolerance in young children.