Books & Products tagged "Zones of Regulation"title here
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Advanced Extension Pack and Game Cards for Navigating The Zones
Author: Leah Kuypers Terri Rossman Elizabeth SautterPublishing Info: Game / December 2018Tags: emotional regulation, Navigating The Zones, self-regulation, Zones of Regulation.If you’ve been using the game Navigating the Zones, integrate the Advanced Extension Pack and Game Cards to help more sophisticated thinkers (age 10+) further develop their problem solving and self-regulation skills. Add these advanced cards to the Navigating The Zones cooperative game to introduce three additional levels of play—including competitive game play!
$42.95 Product Details » -
Getting Into The Zones of Regulation – The Complete Framework and Digital Curriculum Companion (Print Edition)
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: Paperback 172 pages / July 2024Tags: regulation strategies, social emotional learning (SEL), trauma-informed, Zones of Regulation, zones of regulation pathway.This guide orients you to the next evolution of The Zones of Regulation theory and methods and can be used in two ways: 1) to prepare you to teach the Digital Curriculum, or 2) to update your practices for those who already have the original The Zones of Regulation Curriculum. In addition, the book includes 6 months of FREE ACCESS to CONCEPT 1 of the Digital Curriculum so readers can try out the many features including an interactive presentation and videos, visual supports, differentiated activities, and assessments.
$71.95 Product Details » -
Navigating The Zones
Author: Leah Kuypers, Terri Rossman, Elizabeth SautterPublishing Info: Boxed Set with Interactive Teaching Board and Learning Cards / March 2018Tags: self-regulation, Zones of Regulation.Note: The Adult Facilitator and participants need to already be familiar with the core concepts and vocabulary taught in The Zones of Regulation curriculum to use this product. Navigating The Zones is NOT intended to be a stand-alone tool to teach The Zones of Regulation framework. Navigating The Zones highlights a few core concepts in the book, but does not…
$90.95 Product Details » -
The Road to Regulation Poster (Zones of Regulation Series)
Publishing Info: Poster / March 2021Tags: emotional regulation, feelings, self-regulation, Zones of Regulation.Adapted from the colorful 2-page layout in The Regulation Station storybook, this 24” x 18” poster summarizes lessons taught throughout The Zones of Regulation 2-Storybook Set. The poster is an in-the-moment reminder of the four steps needed to (1) recognize your feelings, (2) identify your Zone, (3) choose a tool, and (4) use the tool to help regulate your feelings experienced across different situations.
$24.95 Product Details » -
The Zones of Regulation Storybook Set – Understanding Feelings and Emotions & Exploring Tools to Help Manage Them (Zones of Regulation Series)
Author: Leah Kuypers and Elizabeth SautterPublishing Info: 2 storybook set paperback / February 2021Tags: emotional regulation, managing emotions, self-awareness, self-regulation, understanding feelings, Zones of Regulation.These two storybooks provide engaging social scenarios and strategies to help children at developmental ages 5-11 explore how lessons from The Zones of Regulation curriculum book can be used at school and at home. Kids love stories and will identify with the characters and the everyday situations as they learn about their feelings and emotions and how their bodies help show and tell them what they are feeling. Readers will also learn along with the characters that they can manage and control how they feel by using tools—such as movement, activities, and art—to relax, focus, and stay calm so they can meet their goals and needs of the day.
$63.95 Product Details » -
The Zones of Regulation: Tools to Try Cards for Kids
Author: Leah Kuypers and Elizabeth SautterPublishing Info: 51 Cards / November 2020Tags: anxiety reduction, emotional regulation, self-regulation, teaching feelings, Zones of Regulation.Learning to self-regulate our Zones is hard, serious work that takes time and lots of practice. Tools to Try Cards for Kids includes 51 4”x 6” tool cards and is an easy, user-friendly way to introduce over 50 self-regulation strategies to kids ages 5–10 and empower them to make choices toward figuring out what works best for them. For best teaching practice, the strategy card deck should be used in tandem with lessons introducing tools for use with Zones from Chapter 4 in the curriculum book, The Zones of Regulation, as well as paired with other related products, such as Navigating the Zones.
$35.95 Product Details » -
The Zones Pathway Poster (Dry Erase)
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: 24" width x 18" height / June 2024Tags: identifying feelings, Zones of Regulation, zones of regulation pathway.The Zones of Regulation Pathway is a refined Zones of Regulation core concept and Signature Practice, used after learners are familiar with the Zones and have established their toolboxes. The Zones Pathway poster provides learners with scaffolding to apply their understanding of the four Zones and their related tools in real-time situations by walking through a process to notice the situation, identify feelings, and to make healthy decisions about managing them.
$25.95 Product Details » -
Zones Check-In Poster (Dry-Erase)
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: 24" width x 18" height / June 2024Tags: recognizing emotions, Zones Check-In, Zones of Regulation.The new Zones Check-In dry erase poster supports a core concept and Signature Practice that helps develop the self-awareness that is foundational for regulation. A Zones Check-In starts with mindfully pausing to check-in with our body signals, emotions, and Zones.
$25.95 Product Details » -
Zones of Regulation 5 Poster Set
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: Posters 24" x 18" / 2024Tags: emotional regulation, Getting into the Zones, self-regulation, Zones of Regulation, Zones Pathway.With fresh designs and updated concepts, this all-new 5-Poster Set is a companion product to The Zones of Regulation Digital Curriculum and Getting Into The Zones of Regulation.
$111.95 Product Details » -
Zones of Regulation Poster
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: 24" width x 18" height / June 2024Tags: body signals, self-awareness, self-regulation, Zones of Regulation.This updated poster has additional content, a refreshed design, and new 4-color emotion illustrations with a diverse cast of characters! This durable, color-coded, 24” x 18” poster highlights and reinforces use of the four zones to categorize our feelings. This helpful visual tool is for use in the clinic, classroom, or home.
$24.95 Product Details » -
Zones STOP, OPT and GO Poster
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: 24" width x 18" height / June 2024Tags: self-calming, self-regulation, Zones of Regulation.With updated graphics and teaching, this durable, 18” x 24” STOP, OPT & GO poster supports the decision making that goes into Regulation while also addressing problem solving and group conflict resolution. First we pause (STOP) before we act, think about our OPTions and how they may work out, then use our GOal to decide on the best option.
$24.95 Product Details »