Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Edition
Imagine the fun possibilities with this visual teaching tool designed for ultimate flexibility and creativity in teaching and bolstering learning of the Superflex® curriculum and Social Thinking® concepts. These plastic-coated decks include 52 cards each with multiples of the updated UnthinkaBots (formerly Unthinkables), Thinkables, Social Detective, and Superflex characters with their images, names, and powers. Use a Thinkable card to say “good job,” use an UnthinkaBot card as a visual reminder to use Superflex strategies when an UnthinkaBot is lurking nearby, or invent a learning activity of your own to support curriculum lessons. The sky’s the limit!
The Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Edition provides the superflexible visual supports you asked for to use with individuals who are learning about or have already been introduced to Superflex, the updated Team of UnthinkaBots (formally Unthinkables), and the Team of Thinkables.
The Double Deck is designed for ultimate flexibility as you unleash your creative spirit in teaching the Superflex curriculum in fun, new ways with your students.
The Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Edition includes the new generation of UnthinkaBot and Thinkable characters. The core product is still the same, with two decks of 52 cards for each team of characters, featuring character cards with the character’s image, name, and powers.
Each deck includes:
4 information cards
Title/copyright card
Character pairing reference card
About the Deck & Use
Summary of Character Updates
3 Social Detective character cards
3 Superflex character cards
42 Thinkable or UnthinkaBot character cards:UnthinkaBots deck: 3 copies of the 14 UnthinkaBots
Thinkables deck: 3 copies of the 14 related Thinkables
Here’s what is new or updated in this edition!
New design of character cards for improved visual support function
Updated Thinkables & UnthinkaBots cards feature an individual character’s image and name on the front and the character’s image and “power definition” on the back.
Updated Social Detective card image features the You Are a Social Detective! boy & girl detectives
Updated Superflex card images feature different trios of diverse Superflex kids
Super suggestions for superflexible learning!
You take the lead in using the cards — they’re a blank canvas of possibilities!
Use the Thinkables cards to say “good job” when a child or student is managing an UnthinkaBot
Use an UnthinkaBot card as a visual tool to remind a student to use their strategies when an UnthinkaBot shows up in a student’s brain
Customize or create a game or activity to support Superflex lessons
The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and your own superflexible thinking!
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