Books & Products tagged "Superflex"title here
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Superflex Super Sticker Collection: Thinkables & Unthinkables
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Over 500 stickers on 16 sticker sheets / 8" x10" sheets / June 2020Tags: social learners, Superflex, Thinkable and Unthinkables.Use these colorful Superflex stickers at home, at school, or on the go! These stickers are to be used in association with lessons from Superflex… A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum.
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Superflex Takes Flight
Author: Pamela Crooke and Michelle Garcia Winner (original Superflex concept by Stephanie Madrigal)Publishing Info: Board game with cards, tokens, and tip sheets / February 2025Tags: self-regulation, Social Problem Solving, Superflex, UnthinkaBots.The all NEW Superflex Takes Flight board game is the latest product extension in our award-winning Superflex® Curriculum. The superhero theme serves as a backdrop for engaging students in imaginative and motivating game play that explores thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions as they learn strategies to increase self-awareness, social problem solving, flexibility, and self-regulation.
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Superflex Takes on Brain Eater 2nd. Edition
Author: Stephanie Madrigal and Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Paperback 68 pages / April 2024Tags: Focus Tron, Rock Brain, self-regulation, Social thinking, Superflex, UnthinkaBots.“Superflex Takes on Brain Eater” focuses on one of the social cognitive challenges we see most often in our students, distractibility, with strategies on how to stay on track with every day activities like getting ready for school and listening in class! The engaging comic book is the third in our Superflex series designed to help children learn more about their own social behavior and strategies to regulate it…
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Superflex Takes on Glassman and the Team of UnthinkaBots™, 2nd. Ed.
Author: Stephanie Madrigal and Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Paperback 67 pages / April 2023Tags: Glassman, Social thinking, Superflex, UnthinkaBots.This engaging book is part of the Social Detective & Superflex series, which is designed to help children learn about their own and others’ thoughts and behaviors and practice strategies for self-awareness and self-regulation across a variety of situations. As kids learn strategies to manage their UnthinkaBots, they strengthen their flexible thinking and are better able to self-regulate in challenging times.
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Superflex® 2nd Edition Kit: Curriculum, Storybook, and Visuals
Author: Pamela Crook and Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Kit with multiple pieces 699 pages / January 2024Tags: self-awareness, self-regulation, social interpretation, Superflex, UnthinkaBots.For more than a decade, our practical, motivating, and kid-friendly Superflex Curriculum has been a core resource for teaching students about flexibility, self-awareness, social interpretation, metacognition, executive functions, and self-regulation. This updated and expanded Superflex® 2nd Edition Kit: Curriculum, Storybook, and Visuals augments the available resources and enhances support for educators, therapists, and parents through a suite of print and digital teaching materials.
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Superflex® and Focus Tron to the Rescue!
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and the Superflex Creative TeamPublishing Info: Paperback 27 pages / July 2018Tags: Social thinking, Superflex, Thinkables and Unthinkables.Focus Tron helps you wherever you are – at school, or home, in the community, when playing sports or watching a movie. When you can stay focused, it means your brain can stay connected to what you’re doing or what others are talking about.
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Superflex® and Kool Q. Cumber to the Rescue! Empower Your Thinkable® to Defeat Your Unthinkable®
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and the Superflex Creative TeamPublishing Info: Paperback 26 pages / June 2018Tags: Social thinking, Superflex, Thinkables and Unthinkables.The Thinkable Kool Q. Cumber helps Social Town citizens remember to stay calm when problems happen. That way, citizens can stop and use their superflexible thinking to figure out the size of a problem. And, if a problem is only a small one, they can have only a small emotional reaction. That’s expected!
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Superflex® Bingo
Author: Tara Estes, Michelle Garcia Winner Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Bingo Boards, Cards, Bingo Chips, Instruction Booklet / December 2018Tags: self-regulation, Social thinking, Superflex.Superflex® Bingo is a flexible, fun, and educational game! It enables students to practice identifying Social Thinking concepts and Superflex characters to strengthen their self-regulation and superflexible thinking powers. This is not a stand-alone teaching tool – do not introduce this game until your students have completed You Are a Social Detective! and the Superflex curriculum.
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Superflexes and the Thinkables Poster
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Poster 18" width x 24" length / 2024Tags: Social thinking, Social Town Citizens, Superflex, Thinkable and Unthinkables.Thinkables are being seen around Social Town everywhere now as children are learning to use their superflexible thinking strategies to defeat their Unthinkables. Each Thinkable character is a counterpart to the Unthinkable character/challenge, and adds to a person’s superflexible powers to defeat the Unthinkables.
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Superflexes Take on the UnthinkaBots Poster
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Poster 18" wide x 24" length / 2024Tags: Social thinking, Social Town Citizens, Superflex, UnthinkaBots.The Superflex Unthinkables poster colorfully displays all 14 of the original Team of Unthinkables in a fresh new and larger format. Several Superflex characters are at the top, to remind students that Superflex represents the superflexible social thinking that’s in each of us. When we use our flexible thinking, we can overcome the sneaky Unthinkables.
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Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Edition
Publishing Info: Boxed Card Game / April 2014Tags: Social thinking, Superflex, Superhero Social Thinking, Thinkable and Unthinkables.Imagine the fun possibilities with this visual teaching tool designed for ultimate flexibility and creativity in teaching and bolstering learning of the Superflex® curriculum and Social Thinking® concepts. These plastic-coated decks include 52 cards each with multiples of the updated UnthinkaBots (formerly Unthinkables), Thinkables, Social Detective, and Superflex characters with their images, names, and powers.
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You are a Social Detective! 2nd. Edition
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Paperback 72 pages / November 2020Tags: body in the group, Social Detective, Social thinking, Social Thinking Vocabulary, Superflex.The social world is a big, complicated place where we are all social detectives as we observe, gather, and make sense of the clues in different social contexts (settings, situations, and the people in them) to figure out the hidden rules for expected behaviors, as well as to understand how we each feel and think about others in a situation. This 2nd edition teaches social learners the power of observation, reading context, and interpreting clues to then choose how to respond in ways that meet their social goals.
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You Are a Social Detective! Teaching Curriculum and Support Guide
Author: Pamela Crooke, Michelle Garcia Winner, and Kari Zweber PalmerPublishing Info: Paperback 64 pages / September 2022Tags: social clues, Social Emotional Learning, Social situations, social thinking curriculum, Superflex, You are a Social Detective.Bring Social Emotional Learning into the classroom with the You are a Social Detective! Teaching Curriculum & Support Guide! The aim of this visually rich, easy-to-use curriculum is to teach social learners the power of observation, reading context, and interpreting clues to give them power and choice in how they respond within specific situations in ways that meet their social goals.
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