support for adults with ASD Archives - Autism Awareness

Autism News Tagged "support for adults with ASD"

Am I Autistic? A Guide to Diagnosis for Adults

With the availability of  information about autism spectrum disorders (ASD) on the internet and other media sources, some adults may start to question whether they have ASD. The path to self-discovery may start when your child is diagnosed (this happened to my friend, Judy Endow), someone in your life may point out that you have some ASD traits, or you…

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Team Around The Adult – Why We Need A Community

Children with ASD attending school have teams of support around them, often without parents having to ask. There is an IEP, an aide, teacher, consultants, and professionals giving input like a speech pathologist or occupational therapist. If your child is receiving services from an agency, there are usually multi-disciplinary teams in place to provide guidance and therapy. Once that child…

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