Tanzania Entry 2
Last night we went to the Slipway, a shopping district along the coast. Watched the Dhows sail along in the sunset, beautiful! We had barbeque for dinner and, unfortunately, the shrimp Kari had did not agree with her. She is out of commission for the day and for the night so I am on my own. There is an internet non cafe just a block down from our hotel so that is where I am.
There is quite a bit of life on the street around here. Food being cooked on the sidewalk and offers for sailing, music, or just hanging out. It is hard to tell where the street ends and the “sometimes” sidewalk begins. The street our hotel is on is not paved and I don’t think they even ever grade it. One does not drive in a straight line and navigating the ruts is, I believe, an art. Things do quiet down by about 11. At 4:45 a.m. a vehicle with a loud speaker announces the call for prayers. That is followed shortly by the roosters and barking dogs. Other things are less predictable, like if the water in the shower is going to be warm or even come out of the faucet or if the electricity is going to stay on. The main street just a block down is paved and there is a lot of action there.
Dr Abbas, our sponsor, is coming to visit the school tomorrow. The teachers are very excited about what the children did with PECS and are very optimistic about the schedules tomorrow. After the children left for the day, we reviewed, revised and everyone practiced the teaching plan for tomorrow. Dr. Abbas should be proud of them. On Friday the whole group, 9 teachers and students, go to Alia’s house to go swimming. We will join them for the day. The plan is to review their curriculum and discuss the information Chrissy is sending when the children leave at 1. Needless to say, I am wearing out fast! We were invited to spend the night at one of the teacher’s aunt’s house on the beach one night. Looking forward to that. So far all we have seen in the daylight has been along one street. Will keep you posted. Keyboards are deceiving! Apologies for the errors…later!
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