Finding ways to communicate can be very challenging for both children with autism, and the caregivers and parents who support them. This is a comprehensive list of books dealing with everything from social communication, to first steps sign language and other skills, to a book on “apps” developed specifically for people with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
PublishersShowing 41–60 of 63 results
Speak, Move, Play and Learn with Children on the Autism Spectrum
This practical resource is brimming with ideas and guidance for using simple ideas from speech and language pathology and occupational therapy to boost communication, sensory integration, and coordination skills in children on the autism spectrum. Suitable for use in the classroom, at home, and in community settings, it is packed with easy-to-follow, goal-oriented activities and lesson plans centering around arts and crafts, music-making, cookery, sensory activities, and skills for daily living.
$60 -
Talk to Me – Conversation Strategies for Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum or with Speech and Language Impairments
In this hands-on guide, Heather Jones offers practical advice, born of experience with her own son, which will help you teach your child the principles of communication. Full of strategies and examples, it shows how you can allay fears, build confidence and teach your child to enjoy conversation.
$33.95 -
Talk with Me: A Step-By-Step Conversation Framework for Teaching Conversational Balance and Fluency for High-Functioning Individuals
Conversation is everywhere – at the lunch table, at after-school activities, in the line for the water fountain, at overnight camp during downtime, at work with a coworker, and at a Thanksgiving gathering. Regardless of the setting, this critical skill – human conversation – is challenging for many individuals with – children and adults alike. For these reasons, it is essential to equip individuals with autism with effective conversational skills. The Conversation Framework is a unique strategy that provides an approach to assessing and teaching conversation skills in a group setting that is effective for most students who have difficulty engaging in conversations, including students with autism.
$34.95 -
Teach Me Language
Teach Me Language is designed for parents and therapists who teach language to children with Autism, Asperger’s syndrome and other related developmental disorders.
$109.95 -
Teach Me Language Companion Exercise Forms
Companion Exercise Forms for Teach Me Language is a 152 page collection of exercise drill forms which appear as examples in Teach Me Language.
$32.95In stock
Teach Me With Pictures: 40 Fun Picture Scripts to Develop Play and Communication Skills in Children on the Autism Spectrum
An easy-to-use resource for professionals and parents, this book provides fun and practical ideas to help motivate and extend communication and play skills in children with autism with the support of pictures.
$53 -
The Conversation Train: A Visual Approach to Conversation for Children on the Autism Spectrum
This inventive color picture book uses the metaphor of a train to teach basic conventions of conversation to children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
$42.95 -
The Green Zone Conversation Book: Finding Common Ground in Conversation for Children on the Autism Spectrum
This book provides a simple visual model to help children experience more success in finding common ground in conversation. The “Green Zone” is a visual representation of finding common ground between one person (blue) and another person (yellow) to create a “green zone” that represents the pair’s shared interests. The book, illustrated with hundreds of photographs representing the range of other people’s interests, clearly explains what the “Green Zone” is and how to find it, and contains many photocopiable conversation practice activities and reinforcement worksheets based on this simple visual.
$42.95 -
The Speech-Language Pathologist’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices
This is the practical, friendly guide SLPs need to go beyond pull-out services and deliver successful communication and language supports as part of an inclusive school team. Packed with immediately useful strategies, relatable examples, and invaluable insights from experienced SLPs, this guidebook is key to helping students with disabilities improve their communicative functioning so they can access the curriculum and fully participate in classroom routines and activities.
$46.95In stock
Video Modeling: Visual-Based Strategies to Help People on the Autism Spectrum
Help your child to learn new skills and overcome existing barriers quickly and independently, regardless of age or ability. Video modeling is an effective method of teaching that uses recorded videos and technology.
$13.95 -
Visual Strategies for Improving Communication: Practical Supports for School & Home – Revised Edition
This best-seller is the most comprehensive book to explain the use of visual strategies to improve communication for students with autism spectrum disorders and other students who experience moderate to severe communication impairments.
$55.95 -
Visual Supports for Visual Thinkers: Practical Ideas for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Special Educational Needs
This book is packed with simple, effective tools to assist in the education of students with special education needs. They can be adapted to be used with young children and older learners with a range of educational needs, including nonverbal learners.
$83 -
Visual Thinking – The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions
With her genius for demystifying science, Grandin draws on cutting-edge research to take us inside visual thinking. Visual thinkers constitute a far greater proportion of the population than previously believed, she reveals, and a more varied one, from the photo-realistic object visualizers like Grandin herself, with their intuitive knack for design and problem solving, to the abstract, mathematically inclined “visual spatial” thinkers who excel in pattern recognition and systemic thinking.