Education / Classroom
For parents of children with autism and teachers alike, great practical guides on curriculum building, teaching literacy, and sensory integration.
PublishersShowing 101–120 of 270 results
Initiations and Interactions – Early Intervention Techniques for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Teresa Cardon, a speech language pathologist, discusses the importance of creating a communication environment in the home. Simple, everyday tools include deliberate use of books, toys, visual schedules, and labeling among others.
$27.95In stock
Interoception Exercise Cards
The Interoception Exercise Cards are a series of 124 cards that provide guided prompt(s) for noticing the interoceptive body signals that arise while doing a specific exercise like Sit-Ups or Jumping Jacks. If you are looking for creative, fun and evidence-based activities to enhance interoceptive awareness in the clients you serve, these cards are for you!
$98.95 -
Interoception Yoga Cards
The Interoception Yoga Cards are a series of 134 cards that provide guided exercise(s) for noticing the interoceptive body signals that arise while holding a specific yoga pose like Cobra or Child’s Pose. If you are looking for creative, fun and evidence-based activities to enhance interoceptive awareness in the clients you serve, these cards are for you!
$98.95In stock
Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs
People who have both autism spectrum disorder and complex communication needs require specialized, multidisciplinary interventions and supports to boost their independence and quality of life. Find up-to-date, evidence-supported information and strategies in this book, the newest volume in the respected Augmentative and Alternative Communication Series.
$73.95In stock
It’s More Than “Just Being In” – Creating Authentic Inclusion for Students with Complex Support Needs
For students with disabilities, including those with complex support needs, inclusion means more than just physical presence in a classroom—it means valued membership and full participation in a general education classroom and the school community. This book is your school team’s practical blueprint for making authentic inclusion happen in K–12 classrooms.
$51.95 -
Joyful Learning: Active and Collaborative Learning in Inclusive Classrooms – 2nd. Edition
This accessible resource for K–12 inclusive classrooms helps teachers create an environment for active and collaborative learning that encourages and supports all students, including those who may have marked differences in ability, need, language…
$55.95 -
Keys to Success for Teaching Students with Autism
Perfect for new and veteran teachers, this book enables school personnel to efficiently create and implement an effective educational program for students with autism regardless of their level of experience or training.
$34.95In stock
Kids, Music ‘n’ Autism – Bringing out the Music in Your Child
Music is a great tool for brain, sensory and skills development for children with autism, but how can you best encourage them to take part in music-based activities? This practical guide tells you everything you need to know about helping children with autism to pursue their love of music, from enjoying listening to concerts to performing in them.
$30.95In stock
Know Your Spectrum! An Autism Creative Writing Workbook for Teens
This workbook uses creative writing activities and examples to encourage teenagers with autism to draw their own personal conclusions about what autism means for them. It focuses on the range of strengths and challenges they have as individuals.
$45.95In stock
Le syndrome d’Asperger
Pour certains jeunes, le monde est un endroit étrange et insondable où les gens ne disent pas ce qu’ils pensent ou ne pensent pas ce qu’ils disent, où les règles changent selon les personnes avec lesquelles on se trouve, et où il n’est jamais permis d’êtr
$19.95In stock
Learn to Move, Move to Learn: Sensorimotor Early Childhood Activity Themes
Each of the creative theme-based group lessons in this practical resource follows a sensory-integrated developmental sequence consisting of seven activities, all related to the theme.
$48.95 -
Learn to Move, Moving Up! Sensorimotor Elementary-School Activity Themes
The centerpiece of the book consists of 30 sensorimotor, theme-based lesson plans that include literacy and curriculum suggestions for teachers, and suggests ways that they can be incorporated into busy elementary school schedules and environments.
$48.95In stock
Learning in Motion – 101+ Sensory Activities for the Classroom
These three talented occupational therapists demonstrate how sensorimotor activities provide an essential foundation for learning in young children.
$55.95 -
Let’s Write! A Ready-to-Use Activities Program for Learners with Special Needs
For all educators grades 3 and up, here is a proven ready-to-use resource that tailors writing experiences to the needs of any student having difficulty writing -even the most reluctant writer.
$40In stock
Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs, 3rd. Edition
In the newly revised Third Edition of Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs, teacher and author Darlene Mannix delivers a unique collection of over 160 updated activity sheets with related exercises, discussion questions, and evaluation suggestions to help students gain basic skills necessary for independence and success.
$41.99In stock
Life Skills Activities for Special Children, 2nd. Edition
This book offers teachers and parents a unique collection of 190 ready-to-use activities complete with student worksheets, discussion questions, and evaluation suggestions to help exceptional students acquire the basic skills needed…
$42 -
Literacy for Visual Learners: Teaching Children with Learning Differences to Read, Write, Communicate and Create
This book provides exciting new strategies for teaching literacy to children with special educational needs. Keeping the strengths of visual learners at the heart of each strategy, the author shares tried-and tested ways to develop key reading, writing, comprehension and communication skills.